In this paper, we propose the low sidelobe digital FIR doppler filter bank synthesis algorithm through the Gradient Descent method and it can be practially appliable to coherent pulse doppler radar signal processing. This algorithm shows the appropriate calculation of tap coefficients or zeros for FIR transversal fiter which has been employed in radar signal processor. The span of the filters in the filter bank be selected at the desired position the designer want to locate, and the lower sidelobe level that has equal ripple property is achieved than one for which the conventional weithtedwindow is used. Especially, when we implemented filter zeros as design parameters it is possible to make null filter gain at zero frequency intensionally that would be very efficient for the eliminatio of ground clutter. For the example of 10 tap filter synthesis, when filter coefficients or zeros are selected as design parameters the corresponding sidelobelevel is reducedto -70db or -100db respectively and it has good convergent characteristics to the desired sidelobe reference value. The accuracy ofapproach to the reference value and the speed of convergence that show the performance measure of this algorithm are tuned out with some superiority and the fact that the bandwidth of filter appears small with respect to one which is made by conventional weighted window method is convinced. Since the filter which is synthesized by this algorithm can remove the clutter without loss of target signal it strongly contributes performance improvement with which detection capability would be concerned.