Automatic threshold selection for edge detection using a noise estimation scheme and its application

잡음추측을 이용한 자동적인 에지검출 문턱값 선택과 그 응용

  • 김형수 (전자부품종합기술연구소) ;
  • 오승준 (광운대학교 전자공학과 신기술연구소)
  • Published : 1996.03.01


Detecting edges is one of issues with essentialimprotance in the area of image analysis. An edge in an image is a boundary or contour at which a significant change occurs in image intensity. Edge detection has been studied in many addlications such as imagesegmentation, robot vision, and image compression. In this paper, we propose an automatic threshold selection scheme for edge detection and show its application to noise elimination. The scheme suggested here applied statistical properties of the noise estimated from a noisy image to threshold selection. Since a selected threshold value in the scheme depends on not the characgreistic of an orginal image but the statistical feature of added noise, we can remove ad-hoc manners used for selecting the threshold value as well as decide the value theoretically. Furthermore, that shceme can reduce the number of edge pixels either generated or lost by noise. an application of the scheme to noise elimination is shown here. Noise in the input image can be eliminated with considering the direction of each edge pixedl on the edge map obtained by applying the threshold selection scheme proposed in this paper. Achieving significantly improved results in terms of SNR as well as subjective quality, we can claim that the suggested method works well.



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