N fractional frequency synthesizer for 800 MHz frequency hopping

800 MHz 주파수도약 시스템을 위한 분수분주 방식 주파수 합성기의 설계 및 제작

  • Published : 1996.02.01


In this paper, the 800 MHz band N fractional frquency synthesizer having 677 channel with 30 kHz channel bandwidth is designed on the based on the theory which is dervied in terms of the relation between reference freqiency and the number of channels, loop bandwidth and acquistion time. The experimental resuls show 10 Hz deviation from the bandwidth and acquisition time. The experimental results show 10 Hz deviation from the bandwidth, the spurious suppression of aroud -45 dBc and the acqusition time of 1.44 ms. The results satisfy the given specification, but don't achieve thebesired spurious -60 dBc suppression. It is found that 500 hop per second will be possible over the range from 800 to 820 MHz.
