논술 채점의 신뢰도에 관한 연구

Reliability of essay-writing scoring in university entrance exam

  • 허명회 ((136-701) 서울시 성북구 안암동 5가 1, 고려대학교 정경대학 통계학과) ;
  • 한상태 ((136-701) 서울시 성북구 안암동 5가 1, 고려대학교 통계연구소 Post Doctor 연구원)
  • 발행 : 1996.09.01


1994년도 대학입시부터 재개된 논술시험이 점차 그 비중을 확대하는 추세에 있다. 논술시험은 특히 1997년도 입시부터 시작될 교육개혁안에 의한 대학입시체제에서 강조된다고 한다. 그러나 논술시험에 대해 우려되는 것이 몇가지 있으며 그 중 하나는 채점의 신뢰도에 관한 것이다. 본 연구에서는 1995년도 K대학교 입시 논술의 채점 신뢰도를 높이기 위하여 취해졌던 연구과정과 그 결과를 평가, 보고한다. 주요 결과는 두 차례에 걸친 독립 채점의 결과 그 차이가 정한 값 이상일 때 재검하여 제3차 채점자가 최종점수를 내는 채점절차가 세 차례에 걸쳐 독립적으로 채점하는 절차보다 신뢰도가 높으며 또한 효율적이라는 것이다.

Essay-writing, first introduced to Korean university entrance exams in 1994, is gaining its weight year by year. Especially from 1997 when Nationwide Education Reform System begins, it will be a key component of student selection criteria at Korean universities. Essay-writing's future, however, will not be that smooth unless it shows necessary validity and reliability. This study is on reliability of Essay-writing scoring, mainly from the experience of University K case. To secure solid reliability in Essay-writing scoring for the 1995 University Entrance Exam, the authors started research from the 1994 Autumn Pre-exam which was administred to potential applicants of University K following year. Total of 1,254 students took Essay-writing exam and, subsequently, their essays were graded by two professors independently. The result was not so good. The correlation between two scores was 0.27[0.54] with Cronbach alpha 0.43[0.70] for Humanity-Social Science [Natural Science-Engineering] field. So, some action for reliability improvement was inevitable. The authors considered and investigated following two alternatives. Alternative 1 [A1] : Essays are to be graded three tiems independently at the 1995 University K Entrance Exam. Scores will be given as the average of three scores. Alternative 2 [A2] : Essays are to be graded twice independently, followed by a possible third grading only if two gradings show "significant" defference. Scores are given as the third score if done or the average of first two scores otherwise.otherwise.



  1. 타당도와 신뢰도 성대제
  2. 행동과학연구를 위한 측정이론의 기초 이종성(역)
  3. 응용통계연구 v.4 no.1 설문지 · 시험지 문항의 신뢰성 분석 허명희
  4. Reliability and Validity Assessment Carmines, E.G.;Zeller, R.A.
  5. Psychometrika v.16 Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests Cronbach,L.J.
  6. Test Validation, in Educational Measurement(2nd ed.) Cronbach,L.J.;R.L.Thorndike(ed.)
  7. Reliability, in Educational Measurement(2nd ed.) Stanley,J.C.;R.L.Thorndike(ed.)
  8. Educational Measurement,(2nd Edition) Reliability Stanley, J.C.;R.L. Thorndike(ed,)