- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics v.14 Stratification Random Sampling with Optimum Allocation for Multivariate Population Aoyama, M.
- Biometrical Journal v.20 A Review of Optimal Allocation for Multiviariate Purpose Surveys Benn,J. R.;Burmeister, L. F.
- Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section An Optimum Allocation Algorithm for Multivariate Surveys Bethel, J. W.
- Survey Methodology Sampling Allocation in Multivariate Surveys Bethel, J. W.
- Sankhya v.14 On the Problem of Planning a Multistage Survey for Multiple Correlated Characters Chakravarti, I. H.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.63 Multivariate Stratified Survey Chatterjee, S.
- Skandinavisk Actuarietidskrit v.55 A Study of Optimum Allocation in Multivariate Stratified Survey Chatterjee, S.
- Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section Design Optimization with Multiple Objects Chromy, J. R.
- Skandinavisk Actuarietidskrit v.36 Multivariate Sampling Problem Dalenius, T.
- Sampling in Sweden Dalenius, T.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.59 A Optimum Allocation of Sampling Units to Strata When There are R Responses of Interest Folks, J. L.;Antle, C. E.
- Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin v.8 A Note on the Stratified Random Sampling with Multiple Characters Ghosh, S. P.
- Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association v.59 Multiple Purpose Optimum Allocation in Stratified Sampling Hartley, H. O.
- App. Stat v.19 Optimum Sample Allocation to Strata using Convex Programming Huddleston, H. F.;Claypoll, P. L.;Hocking, R. R.
- Ph.D. Dissertation, Korea University A Study on the Compromising Allocation in Multivariate Stratified Random Sampling Kim, H.
- Proceedings of the Eight Japan and Korea Conference of Statistics On Compromise Allocation in Multivariate Stratified Random Sampling Kim, K.;Kim, H.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A v.113 Optima and Proxima in Linear Sample Designs Kish, L
- Journal Of the Royal Statistical Society Series A v.126 Optimum Allocation in Multivariate Survey Kokan, A. R.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B v.29 Optimum Allocation in Multivariate Surveys : An Analystical Solution Kokan, A. R.;Khan, S.
- Philosophacal Transaction of the Royal Society of London Series B v.231 On Large-Scale Sample Survey Mahalanobis, P. C.
- Ph.D. Geogia University Maximum Eccentricity as a Union-Intersection Test in Multivariate Analysis Schuenemeyer, J. H.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association Recent Development in Sampling for Agricultural Statistics Snedecor, G;King, A. J.
- Annlas of Mathematical Statistics v.39 Unbiasedness of same Test Criteria for the Equality of one or two Covariance Matrices Sugiura, N.;Nagao, H.
- Sampling Theory of Surveys with Applications : Food and Agriculture Organization(2nd edition) Sukhatme, P. V.;Sukhatme, B. V.
- Sampling Methods for Censuses and Surveys(3th, edition) Yates, R.