- Proceedings of the Symposium on Earth Reinforcement Study of the soil reinforcment friction coefficient Bacot,J.;Iltis,M.;Lareal,P.;Paumier,T.;Sanglerat,G.
- M. sc. Thesis, University of Alberta Geogrid pullout tests in clay Costalonga,M.A.R.
- 44th Canadian Geotechnical conference Pull-out resistance of geosynthetics Fannin,R.J.;Raju,D.M.
- Geotextiles and Geomembranes v.12 Hyperbolic expression for soil-geosynthetic or geosynthetic-geosynthetic interface shear strength Giroud,J.P.;Darrasse,J.;Bachus,R.C.
- Geotech. Test J. ASTM v.5 Some observation on the laboratory measurement of soil-geotextile bond Ingold,T.S.
- Ground Engineering v.17 A Laboratory investigation of soil-geotextile friction Ingold,T.S.
- Ph. D. Thesis, Cambridge University Some effects of reinforcement on the mechanical behaviour of soil Jewell,R.A.
- Proc. of Symposium on Polymer Grid Reinforcement in Civil Engineering Interaction between soil and geogrids Jewell,R.A.;Milligan,G.W.E.;Sarsby,R.W.;Dubois,D.
- Geotechnique v.40 no.3 Reinforcement bond capacity Jewell,R.A.
- Proc. of Symp. on Geotextiles for Soil Improvement, ASCE, Geotechnical Special Publication v.18 Pull-out response of geotextiles and geogrids Juran,I.;Knochenmus,G.;Acar,Y.B.;Arman,A.
- Ind. Geotech. J. v.18 Evaluation of soil-reinforcement friction Kate,J.M.;Rao,G.V.;Tyagi,S.K.
- Geotechnique v.38 Discussion on direct shear tests on reinforced soil by Jewell & Wroth(1987) Palmeira,E.M.
- Geotechnique v.39 Scale and other factors affecting the results of pull-out tests of grids buried in sand Palmeira,E.M.;Milligan,G.W.E.
- Research Report, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Utah State University Pull-out resistance of welded wire mesh embeded in soil Peterson,L.M.;Anderson,L.R.
- Ind. Geotech. J. v.18 Evaluation of geotextile-soil friction Rao,G.V.;Pandey,S.K.
- Proceedings of the Symposium on Earth Reinforcement Friction in reinforced earth Schlosser,F.;Elias,V.
- Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference Friction coefficient in reinforced earth Sridharan,A.;Singh,V.
- Ind. Geotech. J. v.16 An experimental study on mild steel as soil reinforcement Sridharan,A.;Singh,V.
- Ind. Geotech. J. v.18 Effect of soil paramenters on friction coefficient between soil and reinforcement Sridharan,A.;Singh,V.
- Geotextiles and Geomembranes v.12 Evaluation of interfacial frictional resistance Srinvasa Murthy,B.R.;Sridharan,A.;Bindumadhava