- ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering v.113 no.12 Compression and extension of K normally ocnsolidated clay Atkinsosn J.H.;Richardson D.;Robinson P.J.
- International Journal of Numerical and Analitical Methods in Geomechanics v.10 A plasticity model for the mechanical behavior of anisotropically consolidated clay Banerjee P.K.;Yousif N.B.
- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials : Theory and Appications v.1 A generalized elasto plastic model for anisotropically consolidated calys Benerjee P.K.;Kumbhojkar A.;Yousif N.B.;Desai C.S.(et al.)(eds.)
- Ph.D.thesis Northwestern University Stress strain strength behavior of compressible Chicago glacial tills Chung C.K.
- Proceedings of the Second international Conference on constitutive Laws for Engineering Matherials : Theory and Applicaitons v.1 An anisotropic criticalstate clay plasticity model Dafalias Y.F.;Desai C.S.(et al.)
- Proceedings of the Symposium on Limit Equilibrium Plasticity and Generalized Stress Strain Applications in Geotechnical Engineering A generalized bounding surface constitutive model for clays Daflias Y.F.;Herrmann L.R.;Yong R.N.;Selig E.T.(eds.)
- Predictive Soil Mechanics. Proceedings of the Wroth Memorial Symposium A critical state constitutive model for anisotropic soil Devies M.C.R.;Newson T.A.;Houlsby G.T.;Schofield A.N.(eds.)
- Ph.D.thesis,MIT Analysis of deep excavations in clay hashash Y.M.A.
- ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering v.108 no.6 K-OCR relationships in soil Mayne P.W.;Kulhawy F.H.
- Soil Mechanics - transient and cyclic loads Elasto plastic and viscoplastic constitutive models for soils with application to cyclic loading Morz Z.;Norris V.A.;Pande G.N.;Zienkiewicz O.C.(eds.)
- Engineering Plasticity On the generalised stress strain behaviour of wet clay Roscoe K.H.;Burland J.B.;heyman J.;Leckie F.A.(eds.)
- Geotechnique v.8 On the yielding of soils Roscoe K.H.;Schofield A.;Wroth C.P.
- Proceedings 9th ISSMFE Int.Conference v.1.1 the effects of stresses and time onthe yieldining of clays Tavenas F.;Lerouiel S.
- Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics Wood D.M.