아파트 단지 계획을 위한 공간구성요소의 변화 분석

A Study on the Changed by Spatial Structure Element for the Space Planning of Apartment Complex

  • 발행 : 1996.07.01


View From the point of change of the land of the land of the nation. The advancement in the modern civilization has led to building many apartments characterized by high buildings and building complexes due to population concentration into big cities. This tendency not only causes serious problems in terms of city images but also produces considerable discords in the matter of harmonized beauty of the complex itself.At the stage of space planning for the apartment complexes only economic and functional aspects were considered. So in many cases the space, which dose not contribute to environmental improvement which must go in parallel with the quantity increase of apartments and improvements of welfare and living standards of the apartment inhabitants.



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  4. 대한건축학회지 v.23 no.89 도시 집단 주택단지내의 주거밀도에 관한 연구 윤정섭;신범식
  5. 대한건축학회지 v.11 no.12 고층아파트 주거밀도에 관한 연구 최장순;최찬환
  6. 단지계획과정 대한주택공사
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  9. 서울대 박사학위 논문 이규인
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  11. The urban pattern Auther, B. Gallion
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