대도시 아파트 거주자의 가구사용행태에 관한 연구


  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


This study examines the furniture usage behavior of the apartment dwellers in tile city of furniture usage by resident’s characteristics, such as floor space size, household income, the stage of family life cycle and housewife’s age. To this end, interviews were conducted with 304 individuals, either household heads or their spouses living in three residential areas in Seoul. The sample was selected among people living in apartment units with the 30s and 40s pyong of floor space size.The major findings of this study are as fllows ; The furniture and furnishings selected for the study are grouped into four clusters such as conversation-space components, ordinary decoration, high-quality decoration and miscellaneous components. Families in the stage of primary school life cycle were likely to possess fewer furniture and decorations than those in the stage of high school life cycle and in the launching stage. Younger housewives are less likely to possess ordinary and high-quality decorations than the older. Those living in the larger apartment units are likely to decorate their living room in an ornamental rather than functional way, and to possess more ordinary and high-quality decorations than those in the smaller. In this study, the size of floor space appers a variable most powerful to explain the pattern of furniture usage.



  1. 연세대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 대도시 아파트 거주자들의 주생활 양식; 평면규모 30평형대 40평형대를 중심으로 김미희
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  3. 연세대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 아파트 평면유형에 대한 거주자 선호연구 백혜선
  4. 연세대학교 대학원 박사학위논문 아파트 거주자의 주거아이덴터티의 표현에 관한 연구 김영주
  5. 대한건축학회논문집 v.8 no.2 도시 중산층 아파트 거주 가구의 개성표현에 관한 연구 신영숙
  6. 연세논총 v.20집 주거공간과 주행위 및 주생활재와의 대응 이연숙;김미희;오찬옥;이숙영;최수현
  7. 대한건축학회 학술발표 논문집 v.10 no.2 공동주택의 공간구성 방식에 대한 거주자의 주의식연구 조성기;김현수
  8. 대한건축학회논문집 v.3-4 집합주택 단위평면 디자인 결정요소의 수리적 분석방법 조성희;이경희
  9. 주거 · 문화 · 디자인 주거문화연구회(편역)
  10. 서울대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 아파트 거주자의 주거공간이용에 관한 연구 함상우
  11. 사회조사분석(제2판) 홍두승
  12. 성곡 학술문화재단 성곡논총 v.19집 도시 중산층의 생활양식: 주거생활을 중심으로 홍두승;김미희
  13. 한국사회의 전통과 변화 한국사회계층연구를 위한 예비적 고찰 홍두승
  14. Environment and Behavior v.8 no.4 Furnishing and Status Attributes;A Sociological Study of the Living Room Amaturo,E.;S. Costagliola;G. Ragonne.
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  16. Environment and Behavior v.19 Cross Cultural Rules for the Optimization of the Living Room Bonnes
  17. Housing, Culture, and Design House, Home, and Identity in Contemporary American Culture Hummon, David M.;Setha M.Low(ed.);Erve Chambers(ed.)
  18. The Logic of Social Hierachies Living Room Styles and Social Attributes; The Patterning of Material Artifacts in a Modern Urban Community. in laumann Laumann,E.O.;Houser J.S.;E.O. Siegel(ed.);P.M.(ed.);Hodge,R.W.(ed)
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