공동주택 생활관리인지 척도 개발을 위한 기초 연구

A Basic Study for the Cognitive Measurement Scale of Residential Life Management among the Apartment Residents

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


The purpose of this study is to identify the cognitive measurement scale of residential life management of apartment residents. The questionaires were distributed to 550 housewives and 392 questionaires were analyzed in this study. For the construct validity of this residential life management, the methods of factor analysis was used. As the results, 5 factors of residential life management of apartment residents were extracted. They are 1) Residential life covenience service, 2) Residential life support service, 3) Resident's activity support and announcement of managerial works. 4) Safety and order sustaining, 5) Precaution to accident.



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