초등학교 놀이시설의 위험성에 관한 연구 -전주시를 중심으로-

A Study on the Danger of Play Apparatus in Elementary School- Case study of CHONJU City-

  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


The purpose of this study was an analysis of the elementary school child's attitude and dangerous factors of play apparatuses n elementary schools. The results were summarized as follows; 1. 53.0% of the reply child thought that play apparatuses were dangerous, and 41.0% of the total reply had experienced accidents by apparatuses, the child under 10 had experienced the accidents manytimes. 2. The types of injuries most frequently occurred are falls from play apparatuses, and part of the body most frequently injured parts of the body are arms and legs. 3. The danger of fall in play apparatuses that is over 3M amounted 19.6%, it asked safety of bottom materials. 4. Destructed play apparatuses reached up to 20.0%, and rusted or decomposed apparatuses reached to 28.4%. 5. The distance of each apparatus were very close ; it was within 0.3~1.5M, which was 24.9%, it was very dangerous factor. 6. The most frequent hazards of educational play apparatuses are ; - inappropriate size of apparatuses(height, gap, thick etc.)- inappropriate shape and finished state(bad welding and cutting, projection part etc.)- unsuitable use of bottom material in playground and safety color.- insufficient use zone.-inappropriate maintenance and inspection(endurance passage, erosin of iron-ware and wooden ware, projection of foundation concrete)



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  2. 住宅·住宅地·學敎 金鍾仁
  3. 단국대 대학원 석사논문 유치원의 놀이시설과 안전에 관한 연구 박경진
  4. 安全性을 考慮한 어린이 놀이시설 改善硏究 大韓住宅公社
  5. 造景設計基準 大韓住宅公社
  6. 社會學 福武直
  7. 又石大 論文集 v.15 全州市 國民學敎內 놀이시설 危險因子에 關한 基礎硏究 申相燮
  8. 又石大 論文集 v.15 全州市 國民學敎內 놀이시설 危險因子에 關한 基礎硏究 申相燮
  9. 서울대대학원 석사논문 우리나라 아파트단지내 어린이놀이시설의 설치기준에 관한 연구 유선희
  10. 유아교육연구 v.14 no.1 어린이놀이터와 놀이행동에 관한 질적 연구 이숙재
  11. 서울대 환경대학원 석사논문 놀이환경에 대한 어린이들의 환경지각에 관한 연구 이춘홍
  12. 環境心理行態論 任勝彬
  13. 兒童心理學 張炳林
  14. 全北日報 어린이놀이터 管理不實 安全事故 危險 높아
  15. 全北日報 놀이터 安全 死角地帶
  16. 새로운 外部環境으로서의 놀이공간 靑友環境造形硏究所
  17. 서울대 환경대학원 석사논문 주거단지내 어린이 놀이시설의 안전성에 관한 연구 崔逸泓
  18. 한겨레新聞 童心 窒息死하는 놀이기구
  19. 우리말 큰사전 v.2 한글학회
  20. 어린이 놀이시설의 利用行態에 關한 硏究 黃善英
  21. 어린이 놀이시설의 利用行態에 關한 硏究 黃善英
  22. Manual of Child Psychology Anderson, J. E.
  23. Site Design: Guidelines for Medium-density Family Housing Housing as if People Mattered Chare C. Marcus (et.al.)
  24. Yong Children The Evolution of American Playgrounds Frost, J. L.;Wortham, S. C.
  25. Yong Children The Evolution of American Playgrounds Frost, J. L.;Wortham, S. C.
  26. Yong Children v.49 no.4 Planning for Outdoor Play Henniger, M. L.
  27. Yong Children v.49 no.4 Planning for Outdoor Play Henniger, M. L.
  28. Emotion and The Educational Process Prescott, D. A.
  29. Bureau of Epidemiology, Hazard Analysis: Playground Equipment US.CPSC
  30. A Handbook for Public Playground Safety v.1.2 US.CPSC
  31. Handbook for Public Playground Safety US.CPSC
  32. Playground Safty update Parks and Recreation v.25 no.8 Wallach, F.