일본 대덕사의 용원완정원의 조직성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Organization of Ryu Gen in at Aai Toku Ji temple in Japan.

  • 안계복 (대구효성카톨릭대 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


This study is about to prove one factor among many ones that contribute to the formation of the Japanese Garden's pattren. It is believed by this study that distinguished Japanese Garden's pattren are made possible by an organized ability of the japaneses traditional landscape artists who had ability to develope a diversified forms of applications within the organized framework. To verify this assumption, the study has chosen Ryu Gen In, temple garden that is considered to determine the pattren of Japanese Garden best with a new concept ; Organization. The results of this analysis show as follows : 1. Ryu Gen In, consists of a series of building and five-small gardens, is largely organized by the union of two geometric formations : concave and convex. Each garden as a sub-organization is further organixed with a series of tree-branch typed structure. 2. The five-small gardens are formed jinto a whole system by connecting each one with floor. This connection makes a timely organization. 3. Each small garden is further organized alloted roles, namely, depends upon whether they play a major or minor role. 4. It is believed that sands and moss play a cotrolling role to conbine the elements into one within each unit of small garden. 5. It is found that figured sands, moss, sands and moss, or shrubs are used as means of organization to connect the small group elements within each small gardens. 6. It is considered that buildings and mud-walls are used as means of separation between Ryu Gen In and an outer world, and betwen small gardens.



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