Journal of Electrical Engineering and information Science
- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.125-133
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- 1996
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- 1226-1262(pISSN)
A Study on Circular Filtering in Orthogonal Transform Domain
- Song, Bong-Seop (Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
Lee, Sang-Uk
(Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1996.06.01
In this paper, we dicuss on the properties related to the circular filtering in orthogonal transform domain. The efficient filtering schemes in six orthogonal transform domains are presented by generalizing the convolution-multiplication property of the DFT. In brief, the circular filtering can be accomplished by multiplying the transform domain filtering matrix W, which is shown to be very sparse, yielding the computational gains compared with the time domain processing. As an application, decimation and interpolation techniques in orthogonal transform domains are also investigated.