The Removal Rates of the Constituents of Litters in the Littoral Grassland Ecosystems in the Lake Paldangho IV.Sulphur

팔당호 연안대 초지생태계에서 낙엽 구성성분의 유실률 IV.황

  • Published : 1996.06.01


This study was carried out to investigate the removal rate of sulphur of the litters in the Phragmites communsis, Seirpus tabernaemontani, Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Typha angustata aquatic grassland ecosystem on the lake Paldangho. The annual litter productions of sulphur were 50.91 /$m^2$, in P. communis, 180.83 g /$m^2$, in S. tabernaemontani, 25.87 g /$m^2$, in M. sacchariflorus and 151.39 g /$m^2$, in T. angustata, respectively. The removal rates r, of sulphur in the litters were 0.86 in P. communis, 0.82 in S. tabernaemontani, 0.43 in M. sacchariflorus and 0.47 in T. angustata respectively, The times required to reach 50, 95 and 99 percent of the steady state levels and turnover values of sulphur on the grass-land floor were 0.81, 3.49 and 5.82 years in the P. communis, 0.85, 3.68 and 6.13 years in the S. tabernaemontani, 1.62, 7.00 and 11.67 years in the M. sacchariflorus and 1.49, 6.44 and 10.73 years in the T. angustata, It is considered that the high removal rates of sulphur in four grasslands of aquatic ecosystem contribute to the efficient removal of sulphur, a pollutant, at the lake Paldangho. Key words: Removal rate, Accmulation, Paldaugho, Sulphur, Phragmites communis, Miscanthus saechariflorus, Seirpus tabernaemontani, Typha angastata.
