The activities of the antioxidative enzymes in the roots of Codonopsis lanceolata have been compared depending on the cultivated environments - wildness, cultivate paddy fields and cultivate dry fields - and the parts of the root. In the Codonopsis lanceolata raised in cultivate paddy fields, the activity of SOD was higher in 2 yrs old than 1 yr old, but the activity in 1 yr old was higher than in 2 yrs old for the plants raised in the cultivate dry fields. The specific activity of SOD in wildness plants 86.069unit/mg protein was the highest among plants studied. The tissue distribution of the SOD activity showed differences depending on the enviroment. The highest activity of SOD was shown in the upper part of the root for the cultivate paddy fields, the loewr parts for the cultivate dry fields and middle parts for the wildness. The specific activity of POD was increased with ages of the plants, and that in the wildness was the highest 68 unit/mg protein among the plants studied. The activity of POD in the parts of the roots was shown as middle>lower>upper. The activity of POD in the middle part of the root, rasied in Soebick province was 85 unit/mg protein. The specific activity of CAT was decreased with ages of the plants. The activities of wildness and cultivate paddy fields was similar, but that in cultivate dry fields was lower than others. The tissue distribution in the parts of the roots was upper>lower>middle. The activity of CAT middle part of rasied in the Sebuck area was 5.359 unit/mg protein. The activities antioxidative in the cells cultured in MSID(Murashige and Skoog +2.4-D 1mg/$\iota$) was followings: 1564 for CAT. 30 for POD and 22200 unit/mg protein for SOD. These figures were lower than that in in vivo.
더덕 뿌리 내에 함유되어 있는 항산화효소를 생육환경에 따라 조사하기 위하여 경북 서벽지역의 1 2년생 밭더덕, 야생더덕 및 논에서 재배되는 1 2년생 더덕을 채취하여 사용하였고, 부위별 비교는 각 더덕 뿌리를 upper, middle, low로 나누어서 사용하였다. 이들을 O radical caseade인 SOD, POD, CAT activity를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. SOD 활성은 밭재배조건의 경우 1년생보다는 2년생이, 논재배시는 1년생이 2년생보다는 높은 활성을 나타내었으며, 야생종의 비활성이 96069u/mg protein으로 가장 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 부위별로 비교해보면 재배종은 upper>middle>lower 순으로 논재배시는 low>upper>middle 순으로 야생종은 middle>lower, upper 순으로 생육환경에 따라 차이를 나타내었다. 2. POD 비활성(u/mg protein)은 년근수가 높을수록 활성은 증가하며, 야생지역이 68 u/mg protein로 가장 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 부위별로는 middle>lower>upper 순으로 활성이 나타났으며, 서벽야생의 middle 부분이 85 u/mg protein를 나타내었다. 3. CAT 활성은 POD 활성과는 달리 년근수가 낮을수록 높게 나타났으며 밭재배지와 야생지의 활성은 비슷하며 논재배지는 상대적으로 그 활성이 낮았다. 부위별로는 upper>low>middle 순으로 upper 부위가 상당히 높은 활성을 나타내며, 서벽재배 1년생의 upper가 53.59 u/mg protein으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 4. MS1D(MS+2.4-D 1ppm)에 배양한 배양세포의 항산화효소의 활성은 CAT는 1564, POD는 30, SOD는 22200 u/mg protein로 생체에 비해 낮은 활성을 나타내었다.