Pharmacognostical Studies on the "Se Sin"

세신의 생약학적 연구

  • Published : 1996.08.01


Chinese crude drug 'Se Sin'(細辛)has been used to cure headache, cough and expectorant. To the botanical origin of 'Se Sin', Zhong-yao-zhi(中葯志) reported Asarum heterotropoides var. mandshuricum. A. sieboldii and A. sieboldii var. seoulensis, and Zhong-yao-da-ci-dian(中葯大辭典) reported Asarum heterotropoides var. mandshuricum and A. sieboldii of Aristolochiaceae. In Korea, this crude drug has been used as a Korean folk remedy for tothache and aromatic. The botanical origin of 'Se Sin' is considered to be Asarum species of Aristolochoaceae. But there has no pharmacognostical confirmation on it. To clarify the botanical origin of 'Se Sin', we studied on the anatomical characteristics of Asarum species growing wildly in Korea i.e. A. maculatum, A. sieboldii, A. sieboldii var. seoulensis, and of 'Se Sin' from Korea on Korean market. Through our studies, the botanical origin of 'Se Sin' from Korea was proved to be whole plant of Asarum sieboldii and A. sieboldii var. seoulensis.



  1. 神農本草經 三立之重輯
  2. 原色和漢藥圖鑑(下) 難波恒雄
  3. 鄕藥集成方 世宗朝命撰
  4. 中葯志 v.4 中國醫學科學院葯物硏究所等編
  5. 中藥大辭典 v.2 上海科學技術出版社 小學館編
  6. 漢藥の原植物 佐藤潤平
  7. 韓國民俗藥 李善宙
  8. 朝鮮産野生藥用植物 林泰治;鄭台鉉
  9. 申氏本草學(各論) 申佶求
  10. 現代生藥學 生藥學硏究會
  11. 대한약전(제6개정 해설) 대한 약학대학협의회 약전분과회편
  12. 생약학회지 v.24 박종희;김진수
  13. Stomata C.M.Willmer
  14. 신·약품식물학 약품식물학 연구회