Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 35 Issue 4
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- Pages.302-308
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- 1996
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Host ranges and Temperature effects on the development of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess(Diptera: Agromyzidae)
아메리카잎굴파리의 기주범위 및 충태별 발육에 미치는 온도의 영향
This study was conducted to investigate occurrence and host ranges of Liriomyza trifolii Burgess, American serpentineleafminer, in Chonnam province. Also, temperature effects on the development along with morphologicalcharacteristics in each instar of L. trifolii were studied. L. hifolii was observed from 22 species inthe 7 families. Gerbera, chrysanthemum and tomato were the most damaged host plants. Egg was transparentwhite with lengthlwidth of 0.27 mm10.25 mm while matured larva was yellow with that of 2.03 mm10.80 mmrevealing serpentine gallary under leaf cuticle. Pupa was light brown with that of 1.75 mrn10.74 mm and pupatedon the soil and/or leaf surface. Lengthlwing span of adult was 1.78 mm/3.43 mm. Number of oviposition/sucking punches by L. bifolii adult was 26.1% and 13.3% in tomato and gerbera leaves respectively. Feedingactivity of larval stage was highest at 2OoC. Developmental~threshold (DT) and effective accumulative temperatures(ET) on gerbera leaves were 11.2"C, 33.9DD in egg, 10.3'C, 38.6DD in larva, 10.7"C, 152.3DD inpupa, and 10.8"C, 222.8DD from egg to pupa. On tomato leaves, DT and ET were 13.6"C, 20.2DD in egg, 9.3"C, 43.7DD in larva, ll.O
1994년 1월에 광주광역시 광산구의 거베라 재배 비닐하우스에서 최초로 아메리카입굴파리에 의한 피해가 확인된 이후 '95년 3월까지 1개 광역시와 8개 시, 군에서 발견되었다. 기주식물은 7과 22종이 조사되었으며 거베라, 국화, 토모토에서 피해가 많았다. 각 충태별 형태는 난의 길이/폭이 0.27mm/0.25mm의 투명한 백색이며 유충은 황색으로 잎의 표피만 남기고 갱도를 만들면서 엽육만을 식해하는데 종령유충은 2.03mm/0.80mm이며 번데기는 1.75mm/0.74mm로 밝은 갈색이고 잎위나 토양위에서 용화된다. 성충은 길이가 1.78mm, 날개편길이가 3.43mm이다. 성충의 흡즙 구멍수와 산란수와의 비율은 토마토에서 26.1%, 거베라에서 13.3%이었으며, 온도에 따른 유충의 섭식 길이는 거베라, 토마토 모두 2