사업체 집단급식소 근로자의 지방산 섭취 조사 연구

Dietary Fatty Acid Intakes of Employees in Employee Feeding Operations

  • 발행 : 1996.02.01


This study was carried out to evaluate the fatty acid intakes of employees in employee feeding operations in Seoul and to provide prudent dietary guidelines with special concern on dietary fat. Four establishments were selected in large scale group and other four were selected as small scale group according to feeding numbers and food cost. Food intake was measured by substracting the leftover from the averaged portion amount. The leftover was measured by the modified aggregate selection plate waste measurement technique. The results were as follows : Employees from the large scale institution consumed more energy, protein, carbohydrate and niacin compared to those from the small scale institution(p<0.05). The mean calorie compositions of carbohydrate, protein and fat of all subjects were 66.7, 16.4 and 16.9%. The mean fat intake was 12.1g/lunch. Linoleic acid(C18:2 $\omega$6, 3.67g) was the most abundant fatty acid contained in the diet, followed by oleic acid (C18:1 $\omega$9, 3.53g) and palmitic acid(C16:0, 1.83g). The subjects consumed 5.2g polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA), 4.6g monounsaturated fatty acid(MUFA), 3.2g saturated fatty acid(SFA) per lunch per person. The average ratios of P/M/S and $\omega$6/$\omega$3 fatty acids were 1.6/1.5/1.0 and 8.5/1/0., respectively. the dietary $\omega$3 fatty acid status can be improved, even though the ratios found belong to the desirable range, by including $\omega$3 fatty acid rich-foods such as bean products and seafoods more frequently in the diet. Caution is needed for higher unsaturated nature of $\omega$3 series fatty acids to be prevented from peroxidation.



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