Among the building types in which behavioral issues play, the largest role are institutional environments. Such setting share a number of important characteristics ; they serve specific population (e.g. the ill, the elderly , '||'&'||' inmates) : they are directed toward specific social behavioral objectives(e.g medical care, education , '||'&'||' rehabilitation); and they are "Total institution" in which residents spend all of there time. The basic concepts and theories of environment-behavior studies are of direct relevance in understanding such social institutions. In this study, I have examined the relationships between waiting and the specific conditions of the hospital experience. More specifically, this is a study of visitors (outpatient) within the context of the hospital , and the physical setting designated for their use in the outpatient waiting room. Environment behavior studies, with its commitment to individual behavior and the physical environment might well be a particularly way by which a study of waiting rooms can demonstrate the power of this approach and its integrative among disciplines.