Rotor High-Speed Noise Prediction with a Combined CFD-Kirchhoff Method

CFD와 Kirchhoff 방법의 결합을 이용한 로터의 고속 충격소음 해석

  • 이수갑 (서울대학교, 항공우주공학과) ;
  • 윤태석 (서울대학교 대학원 항공우주공학과)
  • Published : 1996.10.01


A combined computational fluid dynamics(CFD)-Kirchhoff method is presented for predicting high-speed impulsive noise generated by a hovering blade. Two types of Kirchhoff integral formula are used; one for the classical linear Kirchhoff formulation and the other for the nonlinear Kirchhoff formulation. An Euler finite difference solver is solved first to obtain the flow field close to the blade, and then this flow field is used as an input to a Kirchhoff formulation to predict the acoustic far-field. These formulas are used at Mach numbers of 0.90 and 0.95 to investigate the effectiveness of the linear and nonlinear Kirchhoff formulas for delocalized flow. During these calculiations, the retarded time equation is also carefully examined, in particular, for the cases of the control surface located outside of the sonic cylinder, where multiple roots are obtained. Predicted results of acoustic far-field pressure with the linear Kirchhoff formulation agree well with experimental data when the control surface is at the certain location(R=1.46), but the correlation is getting worse before or after this specific location of the control surface due to the delocalized nonlinear aerodynamic flow field. Calculations based on the nonlinear Kirchhoff equation using a linear sonic cylinder as a control surface show a reasonable agreement with experimental data in negative amplitudes for both tip Mach numbers of 0.90 and 0.95, except some computational integration problems over a shock. This concliudes that a nonlinear formulation is necessary if the control surface is close to the blade and the flow is delocalized.



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