이소적 두 수종의 수분관계 일변화

Diurnal changes of Tissue Water Relations in Two Allopatric Tree Species

  • Park, Yong-Mok (Department of Biology, College of Natural Science and Engineering, Chongju University)
  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


Diurnal changes of microclimatic conditions and tissue water relations were measured at two sites where Carpinus laxiflora and C. cordata were allopatrically distributed. The microclimatic conditions at a site where C. laxiflora was distributed produced severe water stress condition during summer months. Daily maximum temperature reached $30.4^\circC$ and the highest vapor pressure deficit was 1.31 KPa when 13 rainless days were continued. During this period soil water content decreased to below the field capacity even at a depth of 20 cm and xylem pressure potential also decreased to ­2.04 MPa. However, turgor potential was maintained more than 0.4 MPa. Patterns of stomatal conductance were changed with evaporative demand and soil water availability. On the other hand, microclimatic conditions at a site where C. cordata was distributed were moderate water strees condition compared with those at a site C. laxiflora was distributed. Though soil water content was maintained above field capacity C. cordata showed a remarkable decrease in turgor potential and stomatal conductance throughout the experiment. These results indicate that there is a difference in habitat characteristics between the two species and C. laxiflora is more resistant than C. cordata to water stress.



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