Factors Related to the Medical Service Performace of Health Subcenter Directors

보건지소 진료실적에의 관련요인

  • 조주현 (경북대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 박재용 (경북대학교 보건대학원) ;
  • 차병준 (경북대학교 보건대학원)
  • Published : 1996.11.01


This study was carried out by using questionnaires with 200 general doctors serving as the director of health subcenter in Kyongsangbuk-do Province as of January 1995. The results are summarized as follows. It was shown that the general characteristics consisted of 53 directors in the lst year(26.5%), 85 in the 2nd year(42.5%) and 62 in the 3rd year(31.0%). The percentage spent on their medical service showed that 73.0% of those directors spent more than 90% on their medical service. Based on their general service attitiude, 0% answered that the director of the health subcenter completes the given duties as the director, and 24.5% did that the director has the sense of responsibility and duty. Multiple answers concerning inconvenience and difficulties of the health subcenter director showed that less monthly salary accounted for 75.5%, no administrative power for 50.0%, insufficient medical instruments for 35.5%, insufficient budget for 30.0%, respect. In conclusion, in order for the health subcenter to meet the function as the primary medical clinic, it is required to arange the plans to inspire the public health doctors' service desire to that they can give the medical service as good as the private primary medical clinics, to convert existing concept of the public health doctors' placement in Myon administrative district into new concept in Gun by breaking from a uniform placement, and to consider an intensive placement according to the relevant projects so that preventive health activities can be planned and carried out.



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