- 大韓土質工學會誌 v.4 no.2 Probabilistic Analysis of Slope Stability for Progressive Failure 金泳壽
- 大韓土質工學會誌 v.2 no.1 單一型 擧動函數에 依한 얕은 基礎의 信賴度 解析 金龍弼;林炳祚
- 大韓土質工學會誌 v.2 no.3 有相關 破壞類型에 依한 얕은 基礎의 信賴度 解析 金龍弼;林炳祚
- 서울대학교 박사학위논문 확률유한요소법에 의한 구조 신뢰성 해석 김지호
- 韓國地盤工學會誌 v.10 no.2 對數螺線破壞에 대한 確率論的 3次元 斜面安定解析 서인식;김영수
- 서울大學校 博士學位 論文 段階別 塑性解析 技法을 利用한 뼈대構造의 信賴性 모델 開發 李政宰
- 韓國地盤工學會 v.9 no.3 얕은기초 침하의 확률론적 해석 정두영;오병현
- 慶北大學校 博士學位論文 斜面의 對數螺線破壞에 대한 確率論的 解析 鄭聖寬
- 大韓土質工學會誌 v.4 no.4 荷重의 分散性을 고려한 對數螺線斜面의 確率論的 解析 鄭聖寬;權武男
- 土木學會誌 v.61 no.3 構造物の設計 · 安全性 · 信賴性 高岡宣善
- 土木學會論文集 no.301 安全性指票の信賴性解析への適用に關する2,3の考察 白石成人;古田均;中野正則
- 土木學會論文集 no.364(Ⅲ-4) 確率有限要素法による斜面安定解析 鈴木誠
- 土木學會論文集 no.376 確率有限要素法による護岸の信賴性設計の試み 鈴木誠
- 構造物の信賴性設計法 星谷勝;石井淸
- 土木學會誌 v.60 no.10 構造設計における安全性の規範 伊藤學
- 第19回 土質工學硏究發表會 確率有限要素法のよる防波堤の信賴性 解析 辰己安良
- 土木學會論文集 no.330 有限要素法による斜面の信賴性解析 土居康成
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.100 no.ST9 Reliability Bases of Structural Safety and Design Ang,A.H.S.;C.A.Cornell
- Probability Concepts In Engineering Planning and Design v.2 Ang,A.H.S.;W.H.Tang
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.96 no.GT6 Earth slope reliability : a level- crossing approach Catalan,J.M.;C.A.Cornell
- Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering Chandrupatla,T.R.;D.B.Ashoh
- Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soil and Structural Engineering First-order Uncertainty Analysis of Soils Deformation and Stability Cornell,C.A.
- Probability based design codes of concrete Corotis,R.B.
- A Preliminary Study on Stochastic Finite Element Method Lee,J.Y.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.3 no.2 The variability of natural soils Lumb,P.
- Structural Reliability Melchers,R.E.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.7 no.4 Safety Factor in Soil Mechanics Meyerhof,G.G.
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.13 Probability-based Short Term Design of Soil Slopes Tang,W.H.;M.S.Yucemen;A.H.S.Ang
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.98 no.ST4 Structural safety-A Literature Review The task committee on structural safety of administrative committee on analysis;design of the structural division
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.103 no.GT11 Probabilistic Modelling of Soil Profiles Vanmarcke,E.H
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.103 no.GT11 Reliability of Earth Slopes Vanmarcke,E.H
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.105 no.GT12 Reliability analysis of slopes : Frequency-Domain Method Veneziano,D.;J.Antoniano
- International Jour. for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics v.12 Technical Note on Practical Applications : Evaluating The Design of an Earth Dam by Finite Element Analysis Wet,M.D.;F.Hugo
- ASCE Journal of the Structural Division v.96 no.SM2 Safety Analysis of Slopes Wu,T.H.;L.M.Kraft
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal v.14 Application of risk analysis to the prediction of slope instability Yong,R.N.;E.Alonso;M.M.Taba;P.B.Fransham