An Analysis of Wind Force Coefficient Distributions for Optimum Design of Multi-Span Arched Greenhouses

아치형 연동온실의 최적설계를 위한 풍력계수분포도의 분석

  • Published : 1996.04.01


Wind force coefficients of multi-span arched greenhouses with respect to wind direction of $0^{\circ}$ and $30^{\circ}$ were estimated to give more reasonable coefficient. The conventional and subdivided division types of wind force coefficient distribution diagrams were constructed by using the wind tunnel experimental data. Bending moments on the greenhouses were determined through structural analysis using obtained wind force coefficients, and were analyzed. Because actual wind pressure values on a face of greenhouse varied with locations, the more divisions of wind force coefficient distribution were subdivided, the better distribution type was coincided with actual state. In order to calculate the more accurate section force occurred on the arched greenhouse by the wind loads, it was recommendable that the wind force coefficient distribution should take more subdivision type. The maximum bending moment at the multi-span greenhouse frame at wind direction of $30^{\circ}$ was greater than that at O。, therefore the wind force coefficient at inclined wind direction to the wall was needed to be considered for the multi-span greenhouse structural design.



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