Recent U.S. Efforts on RMA/MTR and Suggestions for ROK Military Progress

미국의 군사혁명(RMA/MTR)추세와 우리군의 미래발전방향

  • Published : 1996.12.01


Sun Tzu once clarified that "One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be endangered in a hundred engagements, " while Clausewitz explained that "A victory will be guaranteed for one who can overcome 'fog and friction' at a battlefield." Now the U.S. is striving hard to develop an American version of RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs)/MTR (Military Technical Revolution) by utilizing its rapidly emerging information technology in the information age. The U.S. firmly believes that its RMA/MTR with less defense expenditure can provide all combat players in the battlespace with "dominant battle awareness, " by which no nation will be able to challenge U.S. military superiority. In this paper, the recent efforts of the U.S. Armed Forces on RMA/MTR will be briefly introduced, some lessons and expertises from the U.S. RMA/MTR are extracted, and, in this regard, several suggestions are provided for the progress of the ROK Armed Forces.gress of the ROK Armed Forces.
