The obstructive diseases involving the left main coronary artery(LMCA) are serious. Surgical treatment is generally regarded as much more effective than medical therapy in terms of long-term survival and relief of symptoms. This study represents an attempt to present an analysis of early surgical results in 21 cases conducted at Chonnam University Hospital between October 1992 And August 1995. The subject. 12 males and 9 female, ranged in age from 25 to 67 years with a mean age of 49.3${\pm}$12.5 years. As for indications for operation, unstable angina was reported on 66.7% of the subjects, while stable angina and acute myocardial infarction in 4 and 3 cases, respectively. There were also 2 cases of Takayasu's aortitis and 1 case of failed percutaneous translumlnal coronary angioplasty(PTCA). Eleven subjects had isolated LMCA diseases compared to 10 subjects with associated LMCA diseases. Of the patients with ass;3ciated LMCA diseases, 4 subjects had single coronary artery disease, 3 had double coronary artery disease, remaining 3 suffered from triple coronary artery disease. As for the group with isolated LMCA disease, ostidl angioplasty llsing autopericardium was conducted with 5 subjects. The remaining subjects with the isolated diseases and all of the patients with associated LMCA disease underwent aortocoronary bypass grafts. The left internal mammary artery was used in all patients and the average number of anastomoses was 3.13 ${\pm}$0.93. One subject died of low cardiac output syndrome at the second postoperative day. There were 5 instances of postoperative complication including reoperation for bleeding in two patients, wound infection in two, and arrhythmia in one. Follow-up coronary angiogram were conducted with eights patients, including five patients who underwent ostial angioplasty. In these cases, the patients showed surf. ficient enlargement of the left coronary ostium and the grafted vessels kept their patency. In our experience, surgical treatment of the LMCA diseases has not shown a higher rAte of operative mortAlity or morbidity than other obstructive coronary artery diseases. To patients with ostial stenosis, which is frequently observed among young female, angioplasly utilizing autopericardium seems to be a desirable choice considering the cosmetic effect, chances of reoperation and hemodynamic characteristics.
저자들은 1992년 10월부터 1994년 8월사이에 전남대학교병원 흉부외과에서 좌주관동맥협착으로 외과적 치료를 받았던 21례의 임상소견을 분석, 보고하고저 한다. 남자가 12례, 여자가 9례였으며 연령은 75세부터 67세가지로 평균 49.12$\pm$12.54세였다. 불안정 협심증이 14례 (66.7%), 안정 협심증이 4례(19. 0%).급성 심근경색증이 3례였다 병변은 단순 좌주관동맥협착이 11례(52.4%)로 가장 많았는데 이중 5 례가 좌주관동맥개구부헙착 환자였으며 단일, 이중, 삼중 관동맥협착과 동반된 례가 4례(19.0%), 3례 (14.2%). 3례(14.2%)이었다. 수술수기로는 16례 에서 관동맥우회로이식술을, 개구부협착만 있었던 5례에서 자가 심낭을 이용한 개구부성 형술을 시행하였는데 관동맥우회로이식술을 시행하였던 전례에서 내유동맥을 사용하여 좌전하행지에 문합하였고, 1례에서는 대둔지에 연쇄문합을 실시하였다. 술후 1례(4. 76%)가 출혈 및 저심박출증으로 술후 2일째 사망하였으며 수술합병증으로는 출혈에 의한 재수술 2례, 창상감염 2례 및 부정맥 1례 등이 있었다. 좌주관동맥질환의 외과적 치료후 수술사망율이나 합병증 발 생율은 다른 부위의 관동맥질환의 외과적 치료에 비해 높지 않았으며 40대 이하의 여자에서 발생빈도가 높은 좌주관동맥 개구부형 착에서는 미용상의 문제, 혈역학적 특성 및 향후 재수술시 이식편 등을 고려할 때 자가 심낭을 이용한 개구부성 형술이 의의있는 수술수기로 생각된다.