- Communication Networks for Manufacturing J.R.Piemental
- IEEE Network v.2 Special Issue on Communication for Manufacturing
- MAP 3.0 Specification 1993 Release
- 대한기계학회지 v.35 no.5 MAP: 공장자동차를 위한 네트?p의 표준 홍승호
- ISO 7498 Basic Reference Model for Open System Interconnection International Organization for Standardization
- 전자공학회지 v.21 no.4 센서레벨 네트워크 필드버스 기술 개요 홍승호
- 정밀공학회지 v.11 no.5 생산자동차를 위한 통신망:필드버스 기술개요 홍승호
- DIN 19 245 PROFIBUS Standard(Version 4.0)
- FIP Club Functional Specifications
- ISA-dS50.02 Fieldbus Standard for Use in Industrial Control Systems, Part 4:Data Link Protocol Specification
- ISO/IEC 8802-4 ANSI/IEEE Std 802.4 Tokenpassing bus method and Physical layer specifications
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.37 Throughput analysis of the IEEE 802.4 priority scheme A.P.Jayasumana
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.37 Throughput analysis of a timer controlled token passing protocol under heavy load J.W.Pang;F.A.Tobagi
- IEEE Trans. Commun. v.38 Performance of the timed token scheme in MAP O.C.Yue;C.A.Brooks
- Proc. IEEE/ACM Symp. Simul. Comput. Networks Simulation and performance evaluation of 802.4 priority scheme A.P.Jayasumana;G.G.Jayasumana
- Proc. PERFORMANCE 90 Effects of the target token rotation time on the performance of a timed-token protocol H.Takagi
- IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking v.2 Approximate analysis of timer controlled priority scheme in the single-service token-passing systems S.H.Hong
- IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking v.3 Polling systems with server timeouts and their application to token passing networks Souza e Silva;H.R.Gail;R.R.Muntz
- IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electron v.38 Evaluating the field bus data link layer by a petri net-based simulation A.Di Stefano;O.Mirabella
- IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electron v.40 Optimization of acyclic bandwidth allocation exploiting the prioirty mechanism in the fieldbus data link layer S.Cavlieri;A.Di Stefano;O,Mirabella
- Petri Net Theory and the Medeling of Systems J.L.Peterson
- ASME J. Dyn. Sys. Meas. & Cont. v.110 Integrated communication and control systems:partⅠ-Analysis and Part Ⅱ-Design considerations A.Ray;Y.Halevi
- Trans. Society comput. Simul. v.5 Discrete-event/continuous-time simulation of distributed data communication and control systems A.Ray;S.H.Hong;S.Lee;P.J.Egbelu
- Introduction to Simulation Using SIMAN C.D.Pegden;R.E.Shannon;R.P.Sadowski
- IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technology v.3 Scheduling algorithm of data sampling times in the integrated communication and control systems S.H.Hong