- Proc. IEEE v.78 no.9 Networks for approximation and learning T.Poggio;F.Girosi
- Biol. Cybern. v.65 On the convergence in topology preserving neural networks Z.P;Lo,B.Bavarian
- Biol. Cybern. v.60 Convergence properties of Kohonen's topology conserving maps : fluctuations, stability, and dimesion selection H.Ritter;K.Schulten
- Proc. IEEE no.78 Self organizing map T.Kohonen
- IEEE Trans. Neural Networks v.4 no.2 Convergence properties of topology preserving neural networks Z.P.Lo;Y.Yu;B.Babarian
- Proc. IJCNN v.1 Generalizations of the self organizing map T.Kohonen
- 제3회 인공지능 신경망 및 퍼지시스템 종합 학술대회/전시회 논문집 개선된 SOFM 알고리즘에 의한 패턴 클러스터 중심의 예측 공성곤
- Models of Neural Networks E.Domany;J.I. van Hemmen;K.Schulten(eds.)
- Biol. Cybern. v.64 An analysis of Kohonen's self-organizing maps using a system of energy functions V.V.Tolat
- Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, N-H van Kampen
- Note on learning rate schedule for stochastic optimization C.Darken;J.Moody
- IEEE Trans. Inform. v.IT-30 Adaptive filtering with binary reinforcement A.Gersho
- Neuro Information system v.2 no.1 A framework for the cooperation of learning algorithm L.Botton;P.Gallinari
- IEEE. Trans. Inform. v.IT-30 no.2 Weak convergence and asymptotic properties of adaptive filters with constant gains H.Kushner;A.Schwarz
- Digital Neural Networks S.Y.Kung
- Proc. IJCNN93 v.1 Self organizing feature map with a momentum term M.Hagiwara
- IEEE Trans. Pattern. Anal. Machine Intell. v.PAMI-4 no.4 Cluster Validity for the Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm M.P.Windham
- 전자공학회 논문지 v.32(B) no.1 일정 학습계수와 이진 강화함수를 가진 자기 조직화 형상지도 신경회로망 조성원;석진욱
- The Theory of Stochastic Process Ⅰ I.I.Gihman;A.V.Skorohod
- Stochastic Process(International ed.) Sheldon.M.Ross