Solid Foods Intake Pattern During the First 6 Months of Life

영아 전반기 영양공급방법에 따른 이유보충식의 섭취 양상

  • 배현숙 (성신여자대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 안홍석 (성신여자대학교 생활과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1996.11.01


The solids(supplementary food) consumption of 200 healthy infants aged from 4 to 6 months have been measured. Five groups were assigned to different feeding patterns. Breastfed group(BF, n=38), formula-fed group(FF, n=102) and mixed-fed group(MF, n=14) were fed breast milk, formula and mixed(breast mile+formula) from birth until 6 months of age respectively. Convert 1 group(C1F, n=14) and convert 2 group(C2F, n=32) were fed breast milk and mixed milk at 2 months of age respectively and were switched to formula thereafter. All infants received solids form 4 months of age. The energy intake from solids at 4 and 6 months averaged 59.1 and 110.3㎉/d among BF groups vs 151.9 and 239.3㎉/d among FF groups respectively. Intakes of protein, calcium and iron were 38-46$\%$, 34-44% and 25-37$\%$ higher in the FF than in the Bf group during the first 6 months. However, no significant differences were found in the intakes of energy and nutrient intakes from solids in all 4 groups excluding BF group(39$\%$). Although BF infant's nutrient intakes from solids were lower than other group's intakes, they intaked evenly solids from various food groups. As the age of infant had increased, the energy intake ratio from solids was cereals and dairy products was increased whereas energy intake ratio from meats, eggs, fruits and vegetables was decreased. TSC4, TSC6(the frequency score for the kinds of weaning food taken) showed no significant difference among 5 feeding groups but CIF-and C2F group's scores tended to be high. Consequently, these results suggest that BF group's solid intake pattern is more desirable and that Korean lactating Mother's dependence on commercial weaning food is too high.
