Nutritional and Health Status of Korean Elderly from Low-Income, Urban Areas and Improving Effect of Meal Service on Nutritional and Health Status - II.Biochemical Nutritionsl Status and Health Status-

도시 저속득층 노인들의 영양 및 건강상태 조사와 급식이 노인들의 영양 및 건상상태 개선에 미치는 영향 -II. 생화학적 영양상태 및 건강상태-

  • 구재옥 (한국방송대학교 가정학과) ;
  • 박양자 (서울대학교 농가정학과) ;
  • 김진규 (서울대학교 임상병리과) ;
  • 이은하 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 손숙미 (가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1996.07.01


This study was conducted to assess biochemical nutritional status and health status of 53 men and 130 women aged over 65 years and residing in low-income areas in Seoul. Nutritional status and health status were determined by hematological analysis, incidence of disease, and clinical symptoms. Mean serum cholesterol levels were 159.7mg/dl in men and 182.4mg/dl in women and triglyceride levels were 124.6mg/dl in men and 130.6mg/dl in women. The serum lipid levels were higher in women than in men, and 88% of the subjects belonged to normal range and 12% belonged to hyper lipid. The mean hematological indices.; Hb, Hct, RBC, MCH, serum iron belonged to normal ranges. The proportion of anemic state were 16~18% in men and 20~25% in women. Mean serum Ca, Cu and Zn levels were 9.4mg/dl, $84.2\mu\textrm{g}/dl$ and $75.8\mu\textrm{g}/dl$ for male and $9.5\mu\textrm{g}/dl$, $88.3\mu\textrm{g}/dl$ and $75.6\mu\textrm{g}/dl$ for female, respectively. However, proportion of low Ca, Cu and Zn status were 8~20%, 77~84% and 12~34%, respectively. The biochemical indices were not significantly different according to age, BMI, obesity rate. Cholesterol, RBC, MCH and serum iron levels were significantly different between men and women. (Korean J Community Nutrition 1(2) : 215-227, 1996)
