시각 신경계 개념을 이용한 이산적인 도트 자극으로부터 가상선 인식

The Perception of Virtual lines from Discrete Dot Stimuli Using Optical Neural Field

  • 발행 : 1996.11.01


Physiological observations reported and the perceptual phenomena that some simple arrays of discrete dots are perceived as a continuous curve, and others are perceived as an angular contour or as consisting of separate goups of dots. The perception of continuous curves versus discondinuous angles is mainly determined by the relative orientations of the dots, i.e., by the angles between sucessive virtual lines, whereas the length of the virtual lines gives little influence. It is important that the perception of dot stimuli is presented by vitual lines between dots in visual information processing. In this paper, on the basis of these facts of physiological observations, some experimental results on the perception of visual lines form dot stimuli are shown. Triples of the dots used in the experiment are similar to those of smith & Vos' physiological experiments.
