조건부 자원 공유를 고려한 스케쥴링 알고리즘

A scheduling algorithm for conditonal resources sharing consideration

  • 발행 : 1996.02.01


This paper presents a new scheduling algorithm, which is the most improtant subtask in the high level synthesis. The proposed algorithm performs scheduling in consideration of resource sharing concept based on characteristics of conditionsla bransches in the intermediate data structure. CDFG (control data flow graph) generated by a VHDL analyzer. This algorithm constructs a conditon graph based on time frame of each operation using both the ASAP and the ALAP scheduling algorithm. The conditon priority is obtained from the condition graph constructed from each conditional brance. The determined condition priority implies the sequential order of transforming the CDFG with conditonal branches into the CDFG without conditional branches. To minimize resource cost, the CDFG with conditional branches are transformed into the CDFG without conditonal brancehs according to the condition priority. Considering the data dependency, the hardware constraints, and the data execution time constraints, each operation in the transformed CDFG is assigned ot control steps. Such assigning of unscheduled operations into contorl steps implies the performance of the scheduling in the consecutive movement of operations. The effectiveness of this algorithm is hsown by the experiment for the benchmark circuits.
