Vaporization and condensation of metallic species in hazardous waste incineration

폐기물 소각시 생성되는 유해 중금속물질의 증발.응축현상에 대한 연구

  • Song, Yu-Seok (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Yonsei University) ;
  • Hwang, Jeong-Ho (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 송유석 (연세대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 황정호 (연세대학교 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1996.06.01


For selected (pure and compound) metallic species effects of saturation ratio, temperature, particle size and number density on condensation mechanisms are first reviewed. The tendencies for vaporization and condensation differ between metallic species because of the significant differences in their saturation pressures. Then particle pressure of a metal vapor species at incineration temperature is calculated by simplifying waste as a compound of methane, chlorine and small amounts of metals and assuming a thermodynamic equilibrium state. Next the condition is assessed for which supersaturation of combustion gases by the species above the critical level for homogeneous condensation may occur, when the gases contain a large number of pre-existing particles such as entrained ashes. Regardless of the presence of chlorine in the waste, the homogeneous condensation of PbO vapors may occur, depending on number density of the pre-existing particles. However, when chlorine exists in the waste, the homogeneous condensation of PbCl$_2$vapors does not occur, which is similar to the case of Cd and Hg vapors. Thus these highly volatile species, PbCl$_2$, Cd, and Hg, may emit to atmosphere as vapor phase. In general, for reducing the emission of hazardous metallic species into the atmosphere, the number density of pre-existing particles has to be increased. For fixed particle number density, the temperature drop rate must be kept in low if the temperature at which a condensable vapor species emits from a incineration system is fixed, while the temperature drop rate must be kept in high if the residence time for which a condensable species stays in the system is fixed.



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