A Literature Study of the Effect of Hirudo, Lumbricus, Scolopendra, and Scorpio on Apoplexy

중풍치료(中風治療)에서 충류약(蟲類藥)의 활용(活用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Hong, Shi-Nae (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Shin, Hyeon-Chul (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Jeong, Ji-Cheon (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 홍시내 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학회실) ;
  • 신현철 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학회실) ;
  • 정지천 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학회실)
  • Published : 1996.03.30


Apoplexy is a disease of a morbid condition manifested as sudden syncope, unconciousness, distortion of face, hemiplegia and dysphasia, usually seen in the middle-aged. The symptoms and signs before sudden onset are headache, dizziness, numbness of extremities, palpitation, etc. This study was performed to investige causes of disease, therapies and prescriptions by insect medicine through the successive medical literatures, recent chinese medical literatures and chinese medical journals. The results are as follows; 1. The treatment of apoplexy is divided into stage of attack and sequela. In stage of attack, the principal therapies of apoplexy are calming the liver, suppressed Yang, dissipate phlegm and elimination weatness. In sequela, the principal therapies of apoplexy are invigorating Qi, promote blood circulation and dredge collateral. 2. Insects medicine have more strong effect than herbal medicine, because apoplexy is a kind of critically desease. 3. Insects medicine is effective in a convalscent stage and sequela of apoplexy. The proper dosage for stage of attack is a small dose of insects medicine(about 2-4g), increse gradually. In convalscent stage, about 4g, in sequela, patients need a large dose of insects medicine(about 8g). 4. Hirudo used to remove stagnated blood and to disperse swelling for the treatment of severe cases of blood stasis, such as cerebral infarction, sequela of cerebrovascular accident, contused wounds. Lumbricus used to for the treatment of convulsions due to high fever, and for hemiplegia and hypertension. Scolopendra used to subdue the endogenous wind for the treatment of various kinds of tics, convulsions and tetanus, and it's character is strong because it will be effective Sthenia-Syndrome of apoplexy. Scorpio used to subdue the endogenous wind for the treatment of various kind of tics, convulsions, tetanus and sequela of cerebrovascular accident.



  1. 동서의학 v.19 no.2 態膽 및 水蛭이 瘀血病態模型에 미치는 影響 朴昌國
  2. 中風證治 沈全魚(外)
  3. 景岳全書 張景岳
  4. 中國中藥雜誌 v.19;11期 蜈蚣的用量問題극待解決 張慶紅
  5. 中西醫結合雜誌(한글판) v.13;7期 自血光量子充양에 補陽還五湯을 合하여 中風後遺症을 治療한 臨床硏究 陳可翼
  6. 中醫藥學報 v.5期 中藥全蝎的硏究進展 학麗莉(外)
  7. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.2 蜈蚣의 鎭痛, 消炎, 鎭痙 및 毒性作用에 關한 實驗的 硏究 金종希(外)
  8. 北京中醫藥大學學報 v.18;3期 水蛭的포制作用硏究 劉斌
  9. 傳統老年醫學 李聰甫
  10. 丹溪心法 朱丹溪
  11. 대전대학교논문집 v.2 no.1 中風治療에 應用되는 竹瀝과 地龍의 效能에 대한 文獻的 考察 金永安
  12. 경희의학 v.8 no.2 혈전중에 미치는 제조의 효능에 관한 실험적 연구 文成煥
  13. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.9 no.1 血液流變과 中風誘發에 關한 考察 沈在玉(外)
  14. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.2 구蚓, 水蛭, 제조, 蜈蚣이 血栓症에 미치는 영향 安圭錫
  15. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.2 no.1 中風治療에 對한 考察 李京燮
  16. 惠和醫學 v.5 no.1 中風治法에 있어서 活血化瘀法에 對한 文獻的 考察 임준식
  17. 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.1 中風의 血瘀論的 考察 및 活血祛瘀法에 의한 治療 近況 崔賢
  18. 大韓韓醫師協會誌 中風의 腦血腫3例報告 崔賢(外)
  19. 惠和醫學 v.1 no.1 水蛭에 대한 文獻的 考察 홍석(外)
  20. 中醫內科學 江蘇中醫學院
  21. 中藥大辭典 江蘇中醫學院(編)
  22. 本草衍義(歷代中醫珍本集成 6) 寇宗奭
  23. 經史證類備用本草 唐愼微
  24. 徐靈胎醫書全集 徐靈胎
  25. 臨증指南醫案 葉天士
  26. 圖經本草 蘇頌撰(外)
  27. 中醫百症用藥配伍指南 楊思澍(外)
  28. 本草從新 吳儀洛
  29. 黃帝內經素問 王永
  30. 醫林改錯 王淸任
  31. 本草綱目 李時珍
  32. 醫學衷中參書錄 張錫純
  33. 中風 張樹生
  34. 本草綱目拾遺 趙學敏
  35. 彝醫動物學 賀延超(外)
  36. 本草求眞 黃宮수
  37. 中西醫結合雜誌 v.7;4期 中西醫結合治療腦出血臨床觀察 郭風魯(外)
  38. 四川中醫 v.7期 水蛭的硏究與臨床應用槪況 姜志戌
  39. 中草藥 v.25;1期 구蚓溶栓作用硏究進展 金鳴
  40. 山東中醫學院學報 v.18 水蛭臨床應用三則 戴傳貴
  41. 四川中醫 v.7;4期 益氣活血治療腦血栓形成 白玉全
  42. 新中醫 v.11 兪허老中醫治療中風心得 謝恬
  43. 新中醫 v.4期 蟲類藥在中風後遺症臨床運用 孫秋凌
  44. 新中醫 v.8期 蟲類藥的不良反應與防治 楊更生
  45. 中衛雜誌 v.30;3期 關干血瘀證診斷硏究的若干方法學問題 王階(外)
  46. 江蘇中醫 v.15;9期 蟲類藥物爲主種合治療中風後遺症臨床觀察 王玉琴
  47. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.22;4期 消栓湯治療腦血栓形成 68例 兪大毛
  48. 江蘇中醫 v.15;7期 水蛭臨床應用擧要 喩平瀛(外)
  49. 中醫雜誌 v.30;2期 滋陰活血法治療中風先兆及實驗硏究 趙承祥(外)
  50. 浙江中醫學院學報 v.3期 蜈蚣的藥用 趙承來
  51. 中醫急症通訊 v.9 中醫藥治療中風50例 曾定倫
  52. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.8;4期 水蛭治療腦硬塞 50例療效觀察 陳建家
  53. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.24;4期 中醫藥治療中風近況 何華
  54. 四川中醫 v.3期 蜈蚣的運用經驗 況時祥