- 幼幼新書 v.16 劉昉
- 黃帝內經 張隱庵;馬元臺(編註)
- 醫學正傳 虞搏
- 巢氏諸病源候論 v.13;14 巢元方
- 六科準繩 王肯堂
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 景岳全書 張景岳
- 金궤要略方論 張仲景
- 外臺秘要 王燾
- 小兒藥證直訣 錢乙
- 聖濟總錄 正和奉動
${\cdot}$ 醫方一盤珠 v.4 喘急門 洪金鼎 - 三因方 陳無澤
- 醫學綱目 樓英
- 丹溪心法附餘(上) 朱丹溪
${\cdot}$ 영童類萃(合本) v.下 沈金鰲;王大綸 - 醫部全錄 保영撮要 벽등
- 醫學入門 李천
- 萬病回春 공廷賢
- 醫宗必讀 李中梓
- 幼科金鍼 秦景明
- 奇效良方 方賢
- 增補辨證錄 陳士鐸
- 醫宗金鑑 吳謙
- 幼幼集成 陳復正
- 臨證指南醫案 葉天土
- 小兒證治 曹旭
- 古今醫統秘方大全 徐春甫
- 濟世全書 공廷賢
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 中醫兒科學 王伯岳
- 原色臨床本草學 辛民敎
- 韓藥學II 陸昌洙(外 5名)
- 申氏本草學(各論) 申佶求
- 韓藥의 藥理, 成分, 臨床應用 陸昌洙(外 5名)
- 漢方醫藥學 金一赫;趙弼衡(譯)
- 알레르기 疾患의 診斷과 治療 康淅榮
- 알레르기와 한방 丁奎萬
- 感染, アしギ-, 17, 免疫病學 河合忠;本間光夫
- 日本臨床 v.39 no.4 알레르기 治療劑의 免疫藥理學 江田昭英
- 小兒科學 洪彰義
- 그림으로 본 免疫學(제3판) 河大有(外 25名)
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.10 no.2 加味麥門冬證의 效能에 관한 實驗的 硏究 崔錫鳳
- 알레르기 v.13 no.1 氣管支 喘息患者에서 免疫 治療에 대한 T림프구 亞型과 增殖能의 變化 이양근(外 5名)
- 알레르기 v.13 no.3 알레르기性 喘息患者에서 末梢血液림프구의 IgE生成能力과 IgE受容體 表現과의 關係 천병도(外 5名)
- 小兒알레르기 및 呼吸器 v.3 no.1 atopy性 및 非atopy性 小兒喘息에서 IgG anti-IgE自家抗體의 陽性率과 亞型 이수영(外 4명)
- 小兒喘息에서 IgG亞型에 대한 調査 v.5 no.1 이몽영(外 3名)
- 日藥理誌 v.66 生藥의 抗 알레르기 作用에 대한 吟味 江田昭英(等)
- 應用藥理 v.10 鎭咳 祛痰效果를 지닌 生藥의 藥理的 硏究 (第 1報);鎭咳와 毒性에 있어서의 數種生藥의 配合效果에 대하여 東海林徹(外)
- proc Symp. WAKAN-YAKU v.13 梅寄生, 柴胡抽出物의 마우스(mouse) IgE抗體 生成 抑制效果 中烏松一;金田平;高津聖志
- J.immunol. v.140 Differential effects of interleukin 2 vs. B cell growth factor on human B cells Nakagawa, T.;Nakagawa, N.;Ambrus, J.L., Jr.;Fauci, A.S.
- Immunology v.14 A Kinetic Study of Antibody Producing Cells in the Sfleen of Mice Immunized Intravenously with sheep eryth rocutes Biozzi, G.;Stiffel, C.;Mounton, D.;Bouthiller, Y.;Decrusefound, C.
- J.Nat. Cancer Inst. v.51 Immunopotentiation with BCGII, modulaten of the response to sheep red blood cells Miller, T.S.(et al)
- Immunoiogy v.34 Delayed hypersensitivity in mice induced by intravenous sensitization with sheep erythrocytes, evidence for tuberuclin type delayed hypersensitivity of the reaction Mitsuoka, A.(et al)
- Antibody formation at the cellur level in immunology Avrames, L.;Bach, J.F.;Preud homme, J.L.
- Cellular Immunology v.3 Antigen Recognition by T Lymphocytes Bach, J.F.;Dardenne, M.
- Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. Proc. v.59;122 Thymusmarrow Cell Combination Synergism in antibody Production Claman, H.N.;Chaperon, E.A.;Triplrtt, R.F.
- Antigen-Antibody interactions in basic execirses in immunochemistry Nowothy, A.
- Nature v.202 A simple method of detection single antibody forming cells Zaalberg, O.B.
- J. Antibiot. v.38 Suppression of tissue graft rejection by spergualin Umezawa, H.;Ishizuka, T.M.;Takeuchi, F.;Abe, K.;Nemoto, K.
- J. Immunol. v.139 BSF-I/IL-4 prepares resting murino B cells to secrete IgG 1 upon subsequent stimulation with bacterial lypopolysaccharide Snapper, C.M.;Paul W.E.
- J. Antibiot. v.41 Biological activities of deoxyspergualin in autoimmune disease mice Nemoto, K.,Hayashi, M.;Sugawara, Y.;Ito, J.;Abe, F.
- J. Antibiot. v.41 Deoxyspergualin therapy in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice suffering advanced lupus-like disease Nemoto, K.;Mae, T.;Takeuchi, T.
- Reticuloendothel.Soc. v.23 Macrophage growth factor and it's relationship to colony stimulation factor Stewart, C.C.;Lin, H.
- Kokai Tokkyo Koho v.81 G.L.antihypyertensive component Kubo, M.;Archi, S.
- J. Immunlo., Meth. v.86 A fluorescence NK assay using flow cytometry McGrinnes, K.M.;Chopman, G.;Marks, R.;Penny, R.
- Immunopharmacol v.15 Functional and numerical alterations induced by ethanol in the cellular immune system Mufti, S.I.;Prahhala, R.;Moriguchi, Sipes, I.G.;Watson, R.R.
- J. Immuno1. v.140 The human MHC-restricted cellular response to herpes simplex virus type 1is mediated by CD4 helper(+), CD8 suppressor(+) T cells and restricted to the DR region of the MHC Complex Schmid, D.S.
- Int. Arch. Allergy Apple, Immunol. v.86 Natural cytotsxicity in adult acute leukemia Soerskaar, D.;Foerre, Oe.;Albrechtsen, D.;Slavem, P.
- The failure if thymus-derived cells to produce antibody Transplantation v.5 Davis, A.J.S.(et al)
- Eur.J.Immunol. F4/80 ; monoclonal antibody directed specifically against the mouse macrophage Austyn, J.M.;Gordon, S.
- Anant.Rec. v.210 The mononuclear phagocyte system of the mouse defined by jmmunohistochemical localization a antigen F4/80.Macrophages associated with epithelia Hume, D.A.;Perry, V.H.;Gordon, S.
- J.Cell. Sci. v.66 The mononuclear phagocyte system of the mouse defined by immunohistochemical localization of antigen F4/70.Macrophages of bone andassociated connective tissue Hume, D.A.;Loutit, J.F.;Gordon, S.
- J.Res. v.32 Characterization of the mannose fucosyl receptor on humman mononuclear phagocytes Shepherd, V.L.;Comphell, E.J.;Sienior, R.M.;Stahl, P.D.
- J. Cel1. Biio v.106 Yeast mannose inhibits binding and phagocytosis of zymosan by mouse peritoneal macrophages Suny, S.S.J.;Nelson, R.S.;Silverstein, S.C.
- Cell, Immunol. v.79 Persistent expression of IgA-antigen on a subpopulation of murine resident peritoneal macrophages Walker, W.S.;Hester, R.B.;Beelen, R.H.J.
- J.Vet.Med. v.834 Measuring phagocytic capacity in polymorphonous clear cell of the pig a compariscn between different assay Winter, M.;Buschmann, H.G.
- science v.25 Macrophage cytotoxicity, Role for L-arginine doiminase and immunonitrogen oxydatin of nitrite Hibbs, J.B., Jr.;Tainter, R.;Vavrin, Z.
- immunity Cellular and cytokine networks in tissue Hibbs, J.B., Jr.;Granger, D.L.
- Nature, NewBiol. v.235 Possible role of macrophage-mediated nonspecific cytotoxicity intumor resistance Hibbs, J.B., Jr.;Lambert, L.H., Jr.;Remington, J.S.
- Science v.197 Macrophage tumor killing : influence of the local environment Hibbs, J.B., Jr.;Tainter, R.R.;Chapman, H.Q., Jr.;Weinberg, J.B.
- J. Immunol. v.140 Differentiation of murine Macrophages to express nonspecific cytotoxicity for tumor cells results in L-algins-dependent inhibition of mitochondria1 iron-sulfer enzymes in the macrophage effectrr cells Drapier, J.C.;Hibbs, J.B., Jr.