An attempt was made to study the effects of dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan on the muscle recovery from exhaustion after severe exercise. Before rats were given severe swimming exercise, Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan were admisterd. Then, the blood lactate level, the serum activities of LDH, CPK and the serum levels of FFA and glucose were measured. The results were as follows; 1. The level of the blood lactate were significantly decreased in the group of Dangguibohyultang. 2. The activities of serum LDH were significantly decreased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan. 3. The activities of serum CPK were significantly decreased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan. 4. The levels of serum FFA were significantly decreased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang. 5. The levels of serum glucose were significantly increased in the groups of Dangguibohyultang and Ssangbohwan. According to the above results, it is concluded that Dangguibohyultang was more effective on the muscle recovery than Ssangbohwan in rats.