Experimental Studies on the Efficiency of the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract, Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract and Palmisunkisan extract

목향순기산(木香順氣散) 수침액(水鍼液)의 효능(效能)에 관(關)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)

  • 김영태 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 정희재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 정승기 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 이형구 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실)
  • Published : 1996.04.30


This thesis is on the effects of the Injections of Mokhyangsunkisan extract, Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract and Palmisunkisan extract clinical experiments wre done with medicines to research their analgesic and anti-convulsive action and their efficiency on $O_3$ and Xylene-poisoned lung damage and the pulmonary thromboembolism of rats and mice. The results are as follows; 1. As to the analgesic action, each Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract, Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract and Palmisunkisan extract had significant effects. Among them the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract had the highest effect. 2. As to the anti-convulsive action, each Injections of Mokhyangsunkisan extract and Palmisunkisan extract had significant effects whereas that of the Injection of Mokhvangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract had no effect. 3. In the frsearch of the Lung TBA values of $O_3$-poisoned rats. each Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract and Palmisunkisan extract had significant effects whereas that of the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract had no effect. 4. None of the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract, Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L, extract and Palmisunkisan extract had significant effects in the experiments about the variation of the $Na^+$ contents and $K^+$ contents in the serum electrolytes of the $O_3$-poisoned rats. 5. In the research of the Lung TBA values of Xylene-poisoned rats all the three Injections had prominent effects. 6. In the research of the Lung weight in Xylene-poisoned rats each Injections of Mokhyangsunkisan extract and Palmisunkisan extract had significant effects whereas that of the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract had no effect. 7. In the experiments about the variation of the $Na^+$ contents in the serum electrolytes of the Xylene-poisoned rats the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract had a significant effect whereas those of the Injections of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract and Palmisunkisan extract had no significant effects. 8. None of the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract, Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract and Palmisunkisan extract had significant effects in the experiments about the variation of the $K^+$ contents in the serum electrolytes of the Xylene-poisoned rats. 9. All the three Injections had prominent death-repressive effects on the pulmonary thromboembolism induced by Sodium Arachidonate. 10. Each Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract and Palmisunkisan extract had death-repressive effects on the pulmonary thromboembolism induced by ADP, whereas the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract had a feeble death-repressive effect By all results of the clinical experiments. the following conclusions are drown; Each Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract and Palmisunkisan extract has analgesic and anti-convulsive effects and is also effective for the $O_3$ and Xylene-poisoned Lung damage and pulmonary thromboembolism of rats and mice. The Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract has on analgesic effect and is also effective for the pulmonary thromboembolism. Especially its analgesic effect is prominent. Therefore, each Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan extract and Palmisunkisan extract can be used for injection to improve the pulmonary functions whereas the Injection of Mokhyangsunkisan plus Rheum undulatum L. extract is partly effective for the improvement of the pulmonary function. In view of the results so far achieved, fluid acupuncture therapy can be applied as well as traditional way of oral administration of the decoction.



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  72. 醫學入門萬病衡要 洪正立
  73. 黃氏醫書八種 黃元御
  74. 臨床檢査法提要 金井泉;金井正光
  75. 雜病廣要 丹波元堅
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