To complement and develop the Orient Medical Bian Zheng treatmemt(韓方辨證施治), I have observed and analysed 68 persons who have recieved medical treatment because of the epigastric pain. Considering and analysed the Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷) and Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證), Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷) and Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(微觀辨證), Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(微觀辨證), case history, age and sex, I have obtained the conclusion as follows. 1. The frequency of epigastric pain according to the classfication of Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) most occured in Gi Che Zheng(氣滯證), then in Huh Han Zheng(虛寒證). and least in Wi Youl Zheng. 2. There is no clear connection between the Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷). 3. The frequency of the epigastric pain according to Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(微觀辨證), mainly occurred in Wi youl Type(胃熱型), Wi Rac Jac Sang Type(胃絡灼傷滯型)and then occurred in Wi Han Type(胃寒型), and least occurred in Wi Rac A Che Type(胃絡瘀滯型) 4. Having observed the relation between the Gastroscopicin Bian Zheng(微觀辨證), and Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷) as pathological process, I have obtained the result that Wi Youl type(胃熱型) and Wi Rac Jac Sang Type(胃絡灼傷型) mainly occurred in Erosive Gastritis and Superficial Gastritis at the early stage, and Wi Rac A Che Type(胃絡瘀滯型) occurred in the whole stage among the Wuperficial Gastritis, Atro pic Gastritis, and Erosive Gastritis, Gastric Cancer, and the Wi Han Type(胃寒型) mainly occurred in Atropic Gastritis at the later stage. 5. The relation between Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(微觀辨證) do not coincide. 6. Observing the relation between the Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and case history, Gi Che Zheng(氣滯證), Huh Han Zheng(虛寒證), Wi Youl Zheng(胃熱證) were commonly seen in the early stage of the case history, and Eum Huh Zheng(陰虛證) and Houl A Zheng(血瘀證) were seen in every stage. 7. Observing the relation between the Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and age, Gi Che Type(氣滯型) was mostly seen in the thirties and other Bian Zheng(辨證) was seen after the middle 8. Observing the relation between the Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and sex, Gi Che Type(氣滯型) was seen at high ratio in both sexes. 9. Observing the relation between the Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(微觀辨證) and case history Wi Han Type(胃寒證), Wi Youl Type(胃熱型), Wi Rac Jac Sang Type(胃絡灼傷型) were seen in the early stage of the case history Wi Rac A Che Type(胃絡瘀滯型) was mostly seen in the later stage. 10. There was no clear connection between the Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(微觀辨證) and age, sex. Although the examples were not sufficient, recipe regarding the partial variation state of stomach mucos together with Orient Medical Bian Zheng(韓方辨證) treatment seems to be useful in the effective treatment of Bi wi(脾胃) disease besides the epigastric pain.