Odor Characteristics of Essential Oil of Valeriana fauriei var. dasycarpa HARA

광릉쥐오줌풀의 정유향 특성

  • Published : 1996.03.30


This study was conducted to know the odor characteristics and compounds in neutral, acidic and basic fraction from the essential oil of Valerliana fauriei root. Among the fraction from the essential oil of V. fauriei root, the content of neutral fraction was 92%, that of the acidic fraction, 6%, and that of basic and phenolic fractions, less than 1%, respectively. The neutral fraction was characterized by sweet-balsamic, woody, musky and medicinal odor. The acidic fraction had sweat-socks, valeric-like and cheese-like odor characters. The netural fraction of essential oil was fractionated by solvents with different polarities, resulting in 44% of ethyl ether fraction, 34% of pentane-ethyl ether fraction, 11% of pentane fraction and 11% of methanol fraction. The ethyl ether fraction was characterized by woody and medicinal odor and the pentane-ethyl ether fraction, by sweet-balsamic, woody and herb-like odor. The fractions were fractionated again by different solvents, and 12 chemical components including valeranone, 26 components including bornyl acetate, and 43 components including camphene were identified in the ethyl ether fraction, the pentane - ethyl ether fraction, and pentane fraction, respectively. In the acidic fraction, n-butanoic acid and other 44 components were identified, among which the most abundant ones were 3-methyl butanoic acid(42.1%), dimethoxy-2-propanoic acid(11.5%), and 5-­ethyldihydro-2H-furanone(5.7%).

광릉쥐오줌풀 뿌리의 정유성분 조성 및 정유의 특성을 더욱 정밀하게 조사하기 위하여 수증기 증류에 의해 얻어진 정유성분을 산성, 페놀성, 염기성 및 중성성분 분획으로 분리하여 분획별 향의 관능평가 및 분획물의 조성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 광릉쥐오줌풀 뿌리의 정유성분분획물 각각의 조성은 중성성분 분획물 92%, 산성성분 분획물 6%, 염기성성분 및 페놀분획물은 각각 1% 미만이며 각 분획물의 향특성은 중성성분 분획은 sweet-balsamic, woody, musky, medicinal 향이며 산성성분 분획은 sweat-socks, valeric-like, cheese-like 향이었다. 2. 중성성분분획물을 용매의 극성을 달리하여 분획한 결과 용출 용매별 분획 비율은 ethyl ether분획물이 44%, pentane : ethyl ether분획물 34%, pentane과 methanol분획물은 각각 11%였다. 분획별 향 특성은 ethyl ether 분획물은 woody, medicinal 향이며 pentane :. ethyl ether 분획물은 sweet-balsamic, woody, herb-like향 특성을 나타내었다. 극성을 달리한 용출용매별 분획물에서 확인된 성분은 ethyl ether 분획물에서 valeranone 등 12종, pentane : ethyl ether(9 : 1) 분획물에서는 bornyl acetate등 26종, pentane 분획물에서 camphene등 43종을 확인하였다. 3. 산성성분분획에서는 n-butanoic acid 외 44종을 확인하였고 그 중 양적으로 많은 성분은 3-methyl butanoic acid 42.1%, dimethoxy-2-propanoic acid 11.5%, 5-ethyldihydro-2H-furanone 5.7% 등 이었다.
