미래 한의학의 중장기예측 연구 동향

Research tendency of the middle & long period future estimating Oriental medicine

  • 신현규 (한국한의학연구소 연구기획실) ;
  • 성현제 (한국한의학연구소 연구기획실)
  • 발행 : 1996.12.30


Oriental medicine is a traditional medical are that has maintained its medical system only in Korea, Japan and China, nowadays, it is required to systematize the Oriental medicine modernly as well as prove remedical value of it for public welfare and hygiene, medical studies about geriatric disease and ageing are valued highly in researchs of future medical service which were excuted by Korea, Japan and Germay. consequently, future - estimating project of the Oriental medicine which keeps and accent on research datas that have a curative effect highly must be constructed. in the cause of this, effieient and systematic subject selection should be preceded to accomplish an advisable planning of the Oriental medicine.
