Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 2 Issue 2
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- Pages.169-181
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- 1995
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
A study on the change of the views on nursing profession of the nursing college students
간호전문대학생의 재학중 간호전문직관의 변화에 관한 연구
- Kim Young-Ran (Department of Nursing, Kyungbook Junior College)
- 김영란 (경북전문대학 간호과)
- Published : 1995.12.30
The aims of this study are to identify the perceptions and learning needs related to nursing profession of nursing students and to provide the basic data for development of curriculum. The questionnaire used for this study includes 103 items categorized as the fellowing 8 areas : the perception of nursing profession, competency as a nurse, the perception about clients, priorities in nursing activity, the knowledge required for, an ideology about nursing. Data was collected from the same students through their first grade in 1993 to third grade in 1995. The results are as follows : 1) In terms of the views on nursing profession, most of the students responded it as helping treatment of disease. Higher the grade, more significant with regard to health counseling, utilization of nursing and skills, nursing for community people. 2) Asked about competency as a nurse, sufficient professional knowledge on the nursing was responded as the highest. 3) Asked about the clients of nursing, 'patients' was the highest and as the grade was high, the items on 'family', 'community people', 'community' were high. 4) With regard to the points to be considered in the performance of nursing, while 'physical respect', 'psychological respect' were commonly responded, 'spiritual respect' highly responded in the second and third grades. 5) Asked about what nursing activity is, 'to relieve the pain' was high in the first and second grades, 'the promotion of health' was high in the third grade. 6) With regard to the ideology on nursing, the humanity and belief and faith were commonly responded. These results suggest, even though the expanded role of nursing was recognized, there is the tendency of illness oriented, to be need of reinforcement on the curriculum management in nursing education.