루푸스(Lupus) 환자의 간호중재

Nursing Interventions of the Lupus Patient

  • 발행 : 1995.11.23


The purpose of this study is to describe specific system manifestations and suggested nursing interventions in patients with lupus. Lupus is a chronic, inflammatory, multisystemic disorder of the immune system. Antibodies are formed which react against the person's own normal tissue. This abnormal response can be very damaging and leads to the many manifestations of the lupus. Lupus can affect any part of the body, and patients experience symptoms in organs involved. So lupus patients have integumentary, blood, central nervous system, eye, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, kidney, heart and lining membranes, reproductive system involvement. The courses are unpredictable and very individualized. Lupus varies greatly in severity from mild cases requiring minimal interventions to those in which significant damage occurs to vital organs such as the lungs, heart, kidney and brain which ultimately can be fatal. In addition to direct physical care, the nursing professional has an excellent position from which to support the lupus patient. Patients need assistance with receiving current, accurate information about the disease process and also to be helped in developing realistic expectations and goals. Nursing interventions for the patient with lupus is challenge drawing on at the resources, knowledge and strengths the nursing teams have to offer. Because of the unpredictable, highly individualized and frequently changing the nature of the disease itself as well as the intricacy of the patient's needs. The nurse has a key role in its management. The patient and nurse, working together, have much to offer each other. These are of inestimable value to the patient. As the nurse listens to the patient and learns what problems the patient perceives, can guide the patient in a self-help program that allows to adapt to living with a chronic illness.
