Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 1 Issue 1
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- Pages.112-131
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- 1995
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
Experiences and Process of Patients' Healing Relation with Nurses
환자-간호사간의 치유적 관계형성 경험과 과정
- Kang, Byung-Ok (Dept, of Nursing Graduate School of Chung Ang University) ;
- Chi, Sung-Ai (Dept. of Nursing, Chung Ang University)
- Published : 1995.02.28
The purpose of this study is to know experiences and process of patients' healing relation with nurses. This study had been conducted from July to September in 1994. The subjects were 7 patients who had hospitalized within 10 days at general surgery unit in C university hospital. The data were collected through in-depth interview and observation on the basis of Grounded Theory. In-depth interview were performed 3-6 times for each patient and taken 10-15 minutes at once. The result were as follows : (1) The main concepts are worry to operation, worry to hospital environment, worry to their children, worry to nurses, general appraisal, appraisal of appearance, appraisal of attitude, appraisal of nurses' response, appraisal of nurses' help, interest to patients, appraisal of explanation, appraisal of direct nursing, appraisal of nursing role, appraisal of nursing fairness, empathy, feeling of jung, discontent exposure, content, rapport. (Jung is a unique feeling that appeared in only korean culture) (2) The main categories are worry, general appraisal, concrete appraisal, empathy, and rapport. (3) These process is worry, appraisal, empathy, and rapport in the order. (4) The core category is the need of relation formation. The hospitalized patients have had need of relation formation with nurses. In order to satisfy this need, patients in the early of hospitalization had the worries to nurses, hospital environment, their children and themselves. The more patients have information about themselves, the more they have worries. In addition to, patients have general appraisal through the first impression or feeling to nurses. A time goes by, general appraisal has changed concrete appraisal. High educated group (above bachelor degree) have expressed concretely and variousely their needs. The patients who have empathy to nurses are content with nurses and form rapport to be shown frankly thier discontents. Therefore, patients' healing relation formation is the process of being filled up the need of relation formaton with Nurses. As mentioned above, researcher suggests that nurses need study nursing strategies to make earlier the last phase of the healing relation formation, rapport.