Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 1 Issue 1
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- Pages.79-96
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- 1995
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
Understanding of Korean Behavior Pattern through Korean Traditional Thoughts.
전통사상속에 나타난 한국인의 행동양식에 대한 고찰
Kim, Moon-Sil
(College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University) ;
- Kim, Sook-Young (College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University) ;
- Kim, Aee-Lee (National Medical Center Junior College of Nursing) ;
- Chung, Seung-Eun (College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University)
- Published : 1995.02.28
A human being as a client has been understood only through a western cultural view so far, now we put forth efforts to set up the concept which is suitable for our korean nursing situation. This paper was reviewed to discover Korean behavior pattern through the concept of the human being in Korean traditional thoughts to keep in pace with above idea and develope the stem of the nursing knowledge. Behavior pattern usually has two aspects, the one is unconscious behavior which conform to old custom and the other is conscious one which abide by a conventional rule. The former was considered through the concept of human being in Tan-kun mythodology, Divination, Tong-hak (Cheondoism) and the latter was Buddism, Confucianism, Sung-ri hak (Human nature and natural Laws), Sil-hak (The rule of Heaven philosophy). Through these traditional thoughts, we can lead Humanity, Present-oriented, Family-focused, Ranking-centered, Fatalism, Projection in Korean behavior pattern and unconscious behavior correspond to the Naturalistic human being, conscious to Societic human being as well. Even though Korean behavior patterns were changed to the times, we found that Korean natural characteristics were remained in the of unconscious-conscious behavior. This point must be considered for caring a client better than anything else in our nursing situiation.