Relationship Between Compressive Force at L5/S1 and Erector Spinae Muscle Electromyography

L5/S1에 걸리는 부하염력과 척추기립근 근전도의 상관관계 분석

  • 장성록 (부산공업대학교 산업안전공학과)
  • Published : 1995.12.30


This study was performed to investigate a relationship between a biomechanical analysis of compressive force at L5/S1 and electromyographic analysis of erector spinae muscle during lifting task. In the experiment, isometric contractions at 25, 50, 75, 100%MVC for short duration and sustained isometric contractions at 50%MVC were performed. For muscle recruitment patten and compressive force analysis, rectified EMG amplitudes analysis and computerized biomechanical analysis were used. To achieve data, angles of neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and length of body segments were measured. Results shows that trends of initial EMG rectified amplitude were similar to those of biomechanical calculation value and for sustained isometric contraction at 50%MVC EMG rectified amplitude of erector spinae muscle after 40seconds was increased up to level of 75%MVC. Based on the results of this study, biomechanical analysis should be supplemented considering muscle fatigue, and it is also suggested that work-rest cycle critera and the evaluation of back-pain injuries should include muscle fatigue.



Supported by : 학술진흥재단