Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Monitoring in Korea

한국에서의 환경영향평가와 환경측정

  • Kang, In-Goo (EIA Div., National lnstitute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Kim, Myung-Jin (EIA Div., National lnstitute of Environmental Research)
  • Published : 1995.12.15


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is composed of various procedures, such as screening, scoping, inventory survey, prediction, assessment, alternative assessment, mitigation measures, and post management. Environmental monitoring data for air quality or water quality, etc. is applied in the EIA process, especially in prediction and post management. As an effective tool of environmental monitoring, the remote sensing method, introduced recently, was used in collecting nationwide data concerning ecosystem and land use. This article explains the current monitoring status in Korea. Monitoring factors include air quality, water quality, soil, ocean, odor, noise, and ecosystems. This report explains the organization of the environmental monitoring system managed by the Ministry of Environment in Korea. Furthermore, it shows the environmental criteria and environmental policies applied to EIA in Korea.
