The Resident Attitude for Preservation and Development of Amenity in Eulsuk Island and Its Downstream Area at Estuary of Nakdong River in Korea

낙동강 하구언 을숙도 및 하류지역의 쾌적 환경 자원의 보전과 개발에 대한 주민의 태도

  • Ok, Chi-Sang (Dept. of Environmental Health, Kosin University) ;
  • Lee, Won-Gu (The Institute of Health and Environment, Pusan City)
  • 옥치상 (고신대학교 보건학과) ;
  • 이원구 (부산광역시 보건환경연구원)
  • Published : 1995.06.10


The resident attitude for preservation and development of amenity in Eulsuk island and its downstream area at estuary of Nakdong river in Korea were investigated by the questionnaires and the field surveys. Based on the results, the characteristics of this study area are the natural ecological preservation area, natural environmental preservation area and curtural assets for migratory birds. And there are a estuary bank, a Dadae beach and a Molundae park. Special amenities are (1) the light (sunrise, sunset etc), (2) the water(river, sea etc.), (3) the air(fresh wind, beautiful sound etc.), (4) the land space(beautiful view, recreation field, reed area, pine forest etc.) and (5) the stream(dancing of migratory birds, water flow, folk dance, history remains etc.). But at present, the environmental qualities as health, aesthetics safety, amenity and culture are deteriorated by development. So the number of migratory birds are decreasing. The residents desired that in future this area be use for the recreation space, the park and the natural leaning fields etc, as well as the restoration of destroyed resources.



Supported by : 교육부