이용자 문제의 구조와 이의 이용자 문제 지향적 정보검색에 대한 적용 - 대학원에서의 학술 연구과제를 대상으로 한 사례연구 -

The Structure of the User's Problem and It's Implication for User-Oriented Information Service - A Case Study in an Academic Research Environment -

  • Park Hongseok (Dept. of Library Science, Duksung Woman's University)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.01


The purpose of information retrieval is to help users solve their problems. To fulfill the purpose the user's problem needs to be focused on. The purpose of this study is to identify components and the structure of the user's problem in an academic research environment. From this study it was found that the scientific problem dealt within an academic environment is complicate and the problem is composed of 8 topical and 4 non-topical components. And they could be organized into a stucture. This study has three implications for user-oriented information retrieval. (1) The components and the structure of the problem need to be the framework for the effective information retrieval process and for the evaluation of information retrieval. (2) The research methodology used in this study can be applied to other information service situations and this will result in greater practical implication of a study for more effective information retrieval. And (3) for more effective user-oriented information retrieval, the user needs to be observed and studied in the actual' situation. This study showed that the complicate problem of the actual user can be studied in a systematic way and this resulted in important implications for information retrieval.
