혜화의학회지 (Journal of Haehwa Medicine)
- 제4권1호
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- Pages.357-371
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- 1995
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- 2586-3002(pISSN)
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- 2586-3347(eISSN)
B.E.P.가 생쥐의 수영능(水泳能)과 수영부하(水泳負荷)로 야기(惹起)된 흰쥐의 피로회복(疲勞恢復)에 미치는 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)
The Experimental study of B.E.P.(Biological Energy Projector) on the swimming Time of Mice and on the Recovery of Muscular Fatigue of Rats
- 이철완 (대전대학교 한의과대학 물리요법과학교실)
- Lee, Cheol-Wan (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School Tae Jon University)
- 발행 : 1995.08.25
We have completed a study to measure the contents of glucose, BUN, creatinine. LDH, and T-protein with respect to a fatigued condition in the bloods of rats which a constant swimming is loaded and to measure the maximun swimming time of mice The test has been carried out as a part of the basic study on the efficacy of B. E. P. (Biological Energy Projector) for emitting a light energy having a specific wavelength out of far-infrared rays. As a result. We have reached the following conclusions: 1. At testing of mice's maximun swimming time, all of B.E.P.(2. 4. 8. 24hrs) treated group have been increased in comparison with the control group, but only 24hrs-B.E.P. treated group significantly increased during 4 weeks. 2. The contents of glucose, BUN. creatinine, LDH, and T-protein measured immediately after the swimming of mice have been distinctly changed but not been significantly changed at their increase and decrease in comparison with the control group. 3. At 3rd day out of the swimming loading, the contents of glucose in the blood serum of the white rat have been distinctly increased in comparison with the control group. And 24hrs-B.E.P treated group surpassed 8hrs-B.E.P. treated group. 4. At 1st and 3rd day, the contents of creatinine in the blood serum of the white rat have been distinctly increased at B.E.P. (8, 24hrs) treated groups in comparison with the control group and have been recovered to the condition of the normal group. 5. After three days, the contents of BUN in the blood serum of the white rat have been significantly decreased in B.E.P.(8, 24hrs) treated groups at 3rd day in comparison with the control group and have been recovered to the condition of the normal group. 6. The contents of LDH in the blood serum of the white rat have been decreased in B.E.P.(8, 24hrs) treated groups at 3rd day in comparison with the control group, in particular 24hrs-B.E.P. treated group has been decreased distinctly than the normal group. 7. The contents of T-protein in the blood serum of the white rat have been distinctly increased in B.E.P. (8, 24hrs) treated groups at 3rd day in comparison with the control and normal group. As the above results, it has been proved that the execise of mice and the fatigue metabolism of rats were influenced by the light energy emitted the B.E.P., and it has been also proved that the external stimulation could be used as a preferable stimulative factor for the biological metabolism. If the clinical training and study are positively achieved, the B.E.P. would be used as curative means and preventive measures for helping human body.