A Study on Flow Analysis of Model Engine Coolant Flow Passage : Comparison with Experimental Data of Lotus Model and Flow Rate Control

엔진 냉각수 유동통로 모델에 대한 수치해석 : Lotus 모델의 실험 결과와의 비교 및 유량제어

  • 조원국 (한국과학 기술연구원, 터보기계 연구팀) ;
  • 허남건 (한국과학 기술연구원, 터보기계 연구팀)
  • Published : 1995.09.30


A numerical analysis on engine coolant is made by the use of FVM based general purpose 3 dimensional Navier-Stokes solver, TURB-3D. Numerical solutions are verified by comparison with the experimental data of Lotus model. The results show a good qualitative as well as quantitative comparison. Coolant flow rate control is attempted through adjusting the cross section area of passage base on the results of an original coolant passage. It is concluded from the results that the flow rate control is possible as attempted, and thus can be used in the real engine design.



Supported by : 한국과학기술연구원